As for trailer style I consider 3.
1. Size what profile am I looking for and do I need extra bulk maby for skipping ease or displacement in dirty water also rate of fall.
2. Action do I need some king of moving action In warm water or to trigger reaction bites. I cold water I'll use trailers with dead action like rodents or beavers.
3. Rig I am using. Different baits have different pros and cons for the hooks and bait style you are using. I feel like the hook up ratio for big trailers like rage draws is better on a jig than a flipping hook because the hook needs to penetrate all that plastic bait. On a jig all you need to overcome is the brush guard. I like a lean bait like a sweet beaver or a menace for flipping hooks JMO. Many people overcome this problem by using ewg hooks for flipping because if rigged correctly the bait slides more easily exposing the hook. Personally I prefer the flipping hook for its strength and hold, also is a bit more seedless than the ewg imo. I still think it is worth trying the ewg, it may just fit one's style better.