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Everything posted by sully420

  1. I own this boat and it should suit your dads needs very well it is very stable plenty if space for 2 people very ez to trailer and launch and affordable. I would suggest going with a 75 hp 4 stroke runs very well with that motor
  2. Go to a marina that deals with mercury motors and they should be happy to tell you all about your motor and what oils and gear lube to use and when to change them. If you are financing your boat get all the extras you want added into the loan i wish i would have done that myself. Also watch some yoi tube videos on the maintenance of your motor amd grease everything on your trailer motor ect
  3. How did you do in SD? I fished roy and cottonwood one 6lb largemouth on roy and a 4.5lb on cottonwood and a bunch of pike is what i got
  4. I fish independence, fish lake, medicine, bald eagle, forest lake, and the mpls chain of lakes.
  5. I love the boss lineup there jigs and skirts are cheap and awesome great colors.
  6. Hello I'm really interested in joining a bass fishing club. I live in the north metro own a boat and can fish evening and weekends.
  7. I am also thinking it has something to do with your throttling cables/linkages
  8. I am also willing take you out pm me if you want.
  9. Yes they do. 99% of the time I'm fishing some kind of bluegill imitation. When bank fishing having bluegill around is a good idea
  10. It might help if you try not to even worry about seeing fish or finding them on beds and just fish and cover as much water as you can from the bank and you should be able to find plenty of biters in some faze of pre or post spawn.
  11. I can't argue with your statement at all but I think this is where the body of water comes into play. Bodies of water where there is high caloric value Bait fish such as trout probably produce bigger bass that are more mobile.
  12. Good point, i guess it depends on the water you fish In my experience, where I fish in MN the biggest bass 6lb+ are definitely not schoolers they are the ambush feeders that are caught in heavy cover on big jigs. In other words they expend less energy and eat bigger meals. I've also noticed that I don't find bigg bass in the same places I catch large northern pike and muskellunge I've gotten on schools of one two three pound bass in literally had 40 + inch muskellunge bite them off at the boat
  13. Bass don't think they react, the biggest bass are the bass that eat the most. I read these forums and it's full of fisherman over thinking and over complicating bass fishing. Each tread like this has a core of very good anglers trying to steer Anglers away from this line of thought, it never ceases two amaze me how many people do not take this subtle common sense information to Heart.
  14. I respect people's property and I respect dock and bank fisherman's space boaters as well for that matter. In Minnesota all water is public and property owners on the lake have the privilege to have docks and boats on public property as such there is a cost to having you property on public water people can fish around your dock and boat and any your property could be damaged that's the price of having your property on public land live with it or move. I would gladly deal with those issues to live on a lake.
  15. I just bought the cast King Speed Demon and I am also spooling it with 50 pound braid I'd like to use the 50 pound braid for frogging flipping pitching. When you use your new reel and you switch from say a three quarter ounce jig to a hollow body frog make sure you adjust your reel tension, what you will want to do is start your bait at the tip of your rod with your real tension tight so your bait won't fall then loosen your real tension until your bait Falls when your bait hits the ground your spool should stop and then you can adjust the tension as you get more comfortable to get better performance on your cast
  16. Great question I would love to hear A-Jay's opinion on this as well, I'm concerned about over taxing my starting battery.
  17. A-jay just posted the exact units I'm going to buy to link with my ulterra and if I remember my pricing of those units correctly they're right in that $1,500 price limit
  18. I sir am that guy I have a ulterra and a lowrance with no GPS hopefully I can remedy this situation soon, I would have got new electronics with GPS first but my wife thought I was mad at her and when I came home from work I had a new Ulterra so I'll just have to live with it. An answer to the original posters question when there's a spot you want to stay on you just hit the button on the foot pedal or the remote and it will keep you there it's important to make sure that you're as still as possible before you spot lock if you're still moving in hid spotlight your boat will try to turn around and go to the original spot you hit the button at. The Ulterra is also great for bass fishing, and there's nothing better than pulling up to the launching your boat into the lake driving away and spot locking at all at the same time while everybody looks at you like you're crazy, make sure you always carry extra batteries for your remote less you look like a fool and need a ride to your boat.
  19. I totally agree I have a 16' tracker and it came with a 12v Minn kota 42Lb trust it worked well after a year I upgraded to a 24v 80lb ulterra and wow what a difference. I used to look at the weather and see what kind of wind there was going be for the week and have to pick the least windy day to fish now it dosent matter at all I can fish 25mph wind all day long chop up mill foil fish any where I need never get stuck it's awesome. Worst thing you can do is have a under power tm if I had the battery room on my boat I would have went with the 36v version I know they are pricy but it's worth waiting.
  20. The T-rig worm is awesome and i always have one tied on but In central Minnesota where I fish the T-rig will get you bit all day but all my size comes on a 3/4 oz jig, so many people here fish T-rig worms and there are so many 1 pound bass that you need something big to get the 5/6lb class to bite.
  21. Fishing is never a waste of time. How many of us have thought, oh today looks like a terrible day to go fishing I won't catch anything and then have a great day on the water.
  22. I'll be starting the season over in lake city south Dakota hopefully the weekend of April 23 will just the right time to get a good pre spawn bite My goal get better with a jerk bait
  23. I like strike king menace and to rig it with the tail vertical instead of horizontal.
  24. Duckett Ghost 7'3" heavy fast $80 Amazon
  25. My wife bought me some native sunglasses last year and I really like them the style is called ward and they came with green polarized lenses and they come with an extra pair of lenses for $140.00 bucks. Lenses are really ez to change and there are lots of colors
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