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Everything posted by sully420

  1. I just wear jeans sleves and a head net for dawn and dusk fishing i never use any spray and u fish is Minnesota and Canada all the time. Black flies are the worst and the head net is a lifesaver.
  2. I fish that lake often i like it better than medicine. Bite was slow last week. I have good luck fishing frogs,jigs,senkos. There are a couple rock piles that produce and docks are also productive.
  3. I leave it free and remove it between trips have never seen it move. If i had a recessed spot for it i would secure it there
  4. I like to have a vehicle that can handle 2x the tow weight of my boat/trailer thats just me. Hauling clost to the vehicle max is hard on transmission and breaks.
  5. Use some wood blocking to level it out and some plywood over the top and mount it over that
  6. Some times lakes have fish kills. This happens for many reasons. Bass fishing seems to slow down when this happens it will pick back up in a week or so no big deal. Ponds and lakes can only support so many fish and nature balances it out
  7. Fish a jig
  8. I've had great luck with my Ulterra had it 2 years now no problems.
  9. Im experiencing the same here in Minnesota. I do believe bass up here are not effected by cold fronts as much as southern bass but there are times of the year that they are. I think this is one of those times bass are transitioning shallow to think about spawning and all of a sudden cold rain and temps dropped from 70-40 degrees in the span of a week with steady winds. Also weed growth has just begun and most shallow bays are have very little weed growth at all. This adds up to 6hrs of fishing and 2 1lb bass to show. Seems like a good idea to fish deep and slow or stay home.
  10. Try a Carolina rig or a t-rig with a 6 to 10" worm or a swim jig
  11. Lets simplify this go out there and fish start with points and steep drops next to grass. Anyone on this forum can point you to spots on a map but you will be on that water use your instincts and get out there and break down that water. Try smaller lakes then work your way up to bigger water.
  12. The water has to be deep enough to support bass and baitfish through the winter catfish and bullheads survive better in those conditions than bass. All you can do is fish then and see. You should be able to see bass from the bank right now so take a walk around and look they are shallow now thinking about spawning
  13. My hummingbird helix 7 acts like i have no lakemaster chip inside it. Has anyone had this problem?
  14. Im buying a hummingbird helix 7 tomorrow Saturday. I need to know what transducer i should get and what chip i should get i am getting the side scan model. Basically i want to know what i should get with it and any insights you guys could suggest it will be my console unit and i dont want to miss anything and i trust you guys way more than the hacks working at cabelas i know its short notice but i need to know by noon friday 5/12/17 thanks Sully
  15. Use diffrent presentations then the other two fishermen this should help you catch the fish your fellow Anglers are missing. do your best to avoid Crossing Lines offering to provide some gas for the tow vehicle or Beverages and lunch is a great idea.
  16. sully420


  17. Wow just went to cabelas last sunday to buy keitechs and saw the rage swimmer for 2bucks cheaper a pack. I really considered buying the RS but stuck with the keitechs after reading this thread im glad i did.
  18. Im more of a metro area bass guy but i make it to the Brainerd lakes are a couple times a season
  19. Going to lake of the isles should be a blast
  20. If you are choosing between floro and mono based on visibility i think one is missing the point. I choose based in line strech and buoyancy. I believe floro is less visible but i also think its a negligible difference as far as getting bites
  21. Put it in the water and look you can tell floro is less visible than mono.
  22. Stick with the sniper in 12# only drawback is topwater
  23. You need a cranking rod or a rod that has a slower action to throw baits under 1/4 oz or use spinning gear with floro leader. Dont buy tatsu sniper is the way to go.
  24. Amazon there are many brands that sell cost effective fishing reels. I like abu garcia black and silvermax and kastking but there are many to choose from.
  25. I think you have the right idea. Just be willing to adjust from there and you will be fine.
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