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Zach Nute

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Everything posted by Zach Nute

  1. Drop shot in the 15ft-25ft range.. Look for the steep drop-off's near spawning areas. Are you targeting Largemouth or Smallmouth?
  2. Yes, the spawn has happened. I'm on the eastern side of the state and the spawn is supposedly over. People are saying that with the full moon on June 2nd, that another spawning stage will occur. How true that is? I don't know!
  3. Thank you both very much! By what im reading and what you guys have been telling me, I should catch smallies... Which is what I am after, so that works for me! Are these fish post-spawn, pre-spawn, or still spawning?
  4. Hey everyone!! Has anyone recently fishing Candlewood Lake? I'm going on a trip June 4th, 5th, and 6th! Any help on current conditions would be great!! Thank you!
  5. Has anyone fished this lake? I am wondering how good it would be to fish in early June.! Thank you!!
  6. What is your price range on the boat? New? Used? I would look into the Stratos 189 VLO.. Great boat, it's a 18' 9" with a 150 Evinrude!
  7. Here in CT, were going through our Post-Spawn pattern. I was wondering what everyones go-to lures are, and where you like to throw those lures!! Mine is a Punisher Lures SmallJaw Shaky Jig with a Reins Rig craw, and I like to throw that around weed edges! But most of all I love a topwater bite, preferably the IMA Skimmer!
  8. Did your mom ever tell you as a child that "If you have nothing nice to say, than don't say anything at all"? Respect is huge where in my household. SenkoLover was simply posting about a passion he has, he doesn't need to be scolded or bashed upon his post. If you had constructive criticism, or a better way of doing what he was explaining, then fine. He is the future in this sport that we all love and enjoy. The more people you rag on, the less we may have.
  9. There are a few baits that really come to mind when I think about smallmouth river fishing.. First would be a shaky head... I like throwing Reins Ring craw on it. Next would be a underspin, preferably by Buckeye Lures, or Punisher Lures. On that underspin I like to put on a reins Fat Rockvibe Shad! Lastly, I enjoy throwing a rattle trap, cant go wrong with that!
  10. I found the issue... The down imaging feature is under the structure tab on the home screen. Also there is a option to switch from left, right, or down... Obviously down is what I want. Thanks for everyone's help though!!!
  11. Thank you guys! And CD Meyer I agree, it does feed very good to achieve something like that!!
  12. I do the same exact thing. I get the evil glare whenever I fish with someone, because I'm always singing songs about fishing that I make up!
  13. It honestly looks like a crappie and speckled trout mix. That fish is beautiful!
  14. Well, this year has really been a special year for me, and its only been 4 months into it!! I landed my dream job, bought a boat, and a new truck! But to top it all off, every time I've gone out this year (5 times) I've caught at least a 4 pounder. Well my first tournament which was last weekend I fished my home river, right behind my house. Everyone knows that you NEED to win on your home lake/river, look at Casey Ashley for example! Well needless to say, it was a very tough day and I only caught two fish, but won with a 4-8 weighed in, for a total weight on 6lbs 5oz.. Luckily nobody else caught anything over a pound and nobody had a limit...
  15. Welcome aboard!! You potentially the best state for smallmouth!!! Lucky...
  16. But do I need that specific transducer in order to even get the option on my unit? Because I don't see any icon stating that my unit is even compatible to that option. And I appreciate your response, you're helping me very much!
  17. I have the LSS2 transducer and the unit has built in structure scan.!!
  18. I do not have the traditional down imaging option on my unit... And I really want to use it!!! Any help would be great..!!
  19. I recommend while fishing to use a different bait then your partner's already throwing. This will allow both of you to figure the pattern much easier. I don't like fishing tournaments with a partner, but I do like pre-fishing with partners for this exact reason. Just feed off of each other. I don't know why you're so quiet on the boat, having a conversation with your partner will make the time go by faster and you will enjoy yourself more. Lastly, I recommend what everyone else has already said. Which is backing in the boat. There is nothing more helpful than a partner that can back in your rig for you. Good Luck!!
  20. I'll be honest. I don't enjoy fishing with partners in tournaments. I actually enjoy fishing alone, based solely on the fact that I don't have to worry about anyone else. Also I like the peace and quiet. Yes, they're more benefits to having a partner, but I think its just easier being alone.
  21. Mono? Is there a specific reason why you prefer mono?
  22. You're correct, I have not.
  23. 5.68 = 5lbs 9oz Roughly..... None the less a great fish!!! congrats!!
  24. These work.. I have a few, and it seems that every time I'm having a bad day.. I throw it on and get bit. And if they were a gimmick, I don't think Randy Howell would endorse it so highly, and also win the Bassmaster Classics on Guntersville..!
  25. It all depends on the cover you're going to be flippin' in. I like to punch mats, so I got a 7'8" Xtra Heavy Denali Rods Kovert series rod.. and I absolutely love it...!
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