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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Alabama/ Heart of Dixie
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Jordan

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Community Answers

  1. Sorry for posting in the wrong category. Has anyone used both the Spinfisher and Clash series? I am between the two, but don't know if the difference is worth it, plus it isn't sealed. It does have some more bearings (1 of which isn't functional according to Alan Hawk, but I heard you can put a washer between the bearing and it then will become functional but don't know if this is true.) and machined gears (which is going to available for the Spinfisher V models separately in April for $50 which would bring it up to the price of the Clash). Thanks for all of the replies.
  2. I am looking at getting the Penn Spinfisher V, but some reviews say the seal leaks and water, or saltwater if used in the ocean, gets into the body. Do I need to disassemble after every use or just periodically? Will the seal hurt more than it helps because it keeps the water from escaping?
  3. Thanks. i haven't looked at the Diawa SS yet. I am interested in the Penn Spinfisher V though. The Penn Clash is a bit high, but it also looks like a very good reel.
  4. Thanks. I am also looking at the Penn Spinfisher V. Anyone used these?
  5. Anyone used one and have you had any problems or heard of any? Have you used their CS? They are on Ebay for $99 and Okuma has a $30 mail in rebate, so it looks like a pretty good deal.
  6. I'll check them out. Has anyone dealt with their CS? I'll probably never need it, but I like knowing that if I get a defective one (which with my luck I will) they will take care of it. That is why my binoculars are Vortex Optics. They will replace them no matter if you crush it with a hammer. I also hear Academy makes some good reels. What brands do they own?
  7. Thanks. Any recommendations on saltwater spinning reels around $100±?
  8. I am looking at getting a saltwater rod/reel combo. I have found a lot of rods such as st. croix that have outstanding CS, but I cannot find any reel company that has a warranty for more than a few years past the purchase date, and even if it does it is up to the discretion of the company if they will replace. I have found many fly fishing reels that have no questions asked warranties. Are there any that are a spinning reel? I am trying to keep my budget under $150, but any company that has a no questions asked warranty for their expensive reels will also honor their lower end reels as well.
  9. Micro Magics are a very sensitive and light rod. I have not had the pro yet, but will soon. Will let you know. Had an issue with customer service, but they ended up clearing it up.
  10. Ask for William. He is extremely helpful.
  11. Three weeks from date you sent it to receive a new rod is what you can expect. I just dealt with them and that is what they told me.
  12. They just came out with tons of new colors. I did notice that my slow retrieve is about a slow, but very steady reeling, but they have a lot of action that speed and faster.
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