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Everything posted by Drew03cmc

  1. Depending where you live, I have a sub 6' rod you'd enjoy and could save some $$ with. It's a Lew's TP1 5'9" "MH" but it's rated to 1/2oz, more of a M. It's a killer rod.
  2. You're pretty close.
  3. Crankbait reel. Clean the bearings with acetone and relubethe thing with Hedgehog Alchemy oil
  4. @Kayakfish107, i sent you a PM.
  5. Most of the people who complain about the Black Max haven't used them. They're perfectly serviceable.
  6. I swim enough to save my own ass. If i have to tread water or float, that's another story.
  7. If i may play devils advocate for a minute, the snakehead being here, along with asian carp are species we have to deal with.
  8. Where are you from? I can't think of a single place where smallies and peacocks overlap.
  9. Umm, honestly, I would probably choose the middle Gasconade River drainage in Missouri. There's so much quality water within an hour radius of your home base at Devils Elbow (3 miles up the Big Piney from the G'Nade).
  10. I'll speak to this. Im 33 now and I had your problem 18 months ago, had surgery (decompression) 13 months ago and am an avid fisherman and diesel mechanic. It hurt me to walk, move, twist, etc. My L4/5 nerve was being obstructed and not able to slide through the gaps in the vertebrae. I tried pain management (shovelling pills down my throat isn't for me, never again as I became addicted and fought that big time), they had me do 2 months of physical therapy before they'd do anything else (thank you insurance company...), but they finally decided it was time for surgery. With my job, I'm climbing ladders, tires, engines, laying in awkward positions, etc so there's no easy way to do it. Fishing became difficult, especially from shore when I have to stand up, squat, bend and twist. After surgery, I noticed I couldn't move the way I wanted to. I went to therapy, but started doing my own therapy at the gym and the Dr told me to stop going to therapy and just do what I was already doing. I've fished fewer times the past 13 months than any year since I was 12. It hurts me. I've floated once since and that was in a rental aluminum barge of a canoe that my pregnant girl at the time couldn't help me move around. In short, if I had to do it (decompression) again, I wouldn't. It's been terrible coming back from it, been terrible trying to learn to cope with pain that is still there and often worse, been terrible trying to move on and do the things i want to do for enjoyment. The only way I'd do it again is if they were fusing my spine. I know it sounds bad, but honestly, it's what I'm feeling and I think a fusion would be easier to recover from than a decompression that the issue is still present. Just my .02.
  11. I love my 5'9" TP1. Don't let the MH fool you, it's more a M.
  12. I'll have to do that. I wouldn't mind trading for a few more of these baits either. They're good looking.
  13. Interesting...so just grab it, tie it on and have fun...got it.
  14. Hmm...ill have to toss mine very soon, but we could work something out if you're done with them...
  15. Well, wanna send them to me? I have places they'll work here, I do believe. Honestly, do they glide at all?
  16. I found a Bagley Diving Kill'r B today...no idea why they were tossing a diving crank from shore in this shallow, shallow pond, but thanks.
  17. I acquired an s-Waver 120 and was curious what anyone thought about them. They're light enough to throw on any good M to MH rod. Thanks.
  18. In ponds, I normally toss beaver baits Rage rigged, swim jigs or spinnerbaits
  19. This was going to be my suggestion as well. You reminded me that I need to grab a couple more bags. Thanks a bunch from a fellow OAFer.
  20. I like it, but can't really locate it locally, so I ordered some YZH in the 3 sizes I use.
  21. You're aware the 90 is .025oz heavier than a 3/8oz crank, right? The difference is negligible. If the OP wants to toss it on a M/M, I say do it. I toss mine on whatever stick I'm using. Normally, a 5'9" MH TP1 or a 6' M Premier.
  22. I toss them on my 5'9" MH Lew's TP1. I routinely fish small waters and often from a canoe or kayak.
  23. Abu Morrum 1600 IVCB. Change the bearings with Hedgehog Air BFS and toss anything you want.
  24. Now, I have my cap, with what do i affix it to the handle? Would Loctite Gel Control be okay or is there something else?
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