I'm looking to acquire or make my own 1/4oz twin spins, probably a wider V, shorter arm bait with twin Indiana blades. I've found a few components at lurepartsonline, but can't determine which size of anything I'd need. It'll be for shallow water in creeks and rivers, targeting smallies. They have the Guppy Twin Spin head/frame, not sure how big a blade to use, probably pretty small, swivels, split rings. I'd also need the round jaw pliers to twist the wire. It sounds like it would almost be cheaper to have someone make these for me at this point, but I'm a glutton for punishment and don't hate the idea of doing it. Any suggestions on sizes of components I'd need? In this picture below (stolen from another site), something like the bottom bait, but I'm not convinced I'd need the wire out front of the eye.