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Everything posted by gunsmoke

  1. Depending on where you are located the short answer is yes but the Broadhead and most of the prime water will be posted and club owned. Most of it's waters and holes will hold trout especially from Analomink into Stroudsburg almost all of it will hold predomitly trout. If you're seriously targeting smallies hit the gap. From the gap to Smithfield beach you'll have them and as you get closer to Milford those deeoer holes will hold smaller Walleye.
  2. Anywhere around Monmouth Gardiner Winthrop in general the Belgrade lakes area and you got everything covered.
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. Couple years back bunch lm came in to spawn a little early got caught under the ice, well you can figure out the rest of the story. Weren't pretty, there were some real pigs belly up. Like I said last year caught more sm hoping the lm fishery is coming back. If not I'll have to pull the boat and go raid my other honey holes.
  4. Wondering if some of you from back home in Maine could tell me if cobb has returned and rebounded from what happened to it a couple of winters ago? Was there last year this time of year caught a slew of smallmouth but the lm were definitely a little off. Thanks
  5. Been training trialing and breeding pointers and setters for a good portion of my life. Ok's misfortune with weather will be your fortune when you come home. You finally have water there and Texas we know what that means,QUAIL. BEST OF LUCK!!! And remember dogs are really the only thing that make sense in this crazy world.
  6. x2 where are you at in nj?
  7. Fishing in Maine is terrible!!! There are no bass, place is loaded with black flies you'll have a miserable time. Whatever you do don't listen to anything mainebasser has to say He lives in some obscure place in maine and just wants company. But if you run into a bind and nobody will go I guess I might think about it.
  8. Run bird dogs out your part of the country. Marienville. Some real good small mouth fishing out your way.
  9. Have that boat with an Evinrude 115 for my money wouldn't dress it any other way. Absolutely NO problems ,dream to winterize pushes that raft with no issues whatsoever. Quiet and good on gas.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys. just didn't want to go and do something and cause more problems.
  11. Crazy question to some but wondering if I'm at a remote location and no electric is available can you charge your trolling batteries from your inside truck connection without killing your truck battery. I've charged other items like dog collars and such but never big batteries. Thanks
  12. You enjoyed one of those rare good days on the dead sea. Good for you, way to go. You got into some slabs.
  13. Geez I didn't know it was June already? Keep on em. When I talked with familiy just last week they were still getting snow.
  14. May not be the answer you're looking for but imho line is not one of the places to try to be cheap. Kinda holds what you want on the other end.
  15. Do those rods run the trolling motor for you too?
  16. It's one thing to be stupid. It's quite another to open your mouth and let everybody know you're stupid.
  17. That's kinda of the answers I was looking for. I keep mine in original bag also but when I'm out fishing I'm tired of fishing through zip lock bags or fishing around the bottom of the boat cause I through them there. Was wanting something where I could just pick it up see what's there and be done with it. Thanks. Thought there might be a thinner box other than a 3700.
  18. What is everyone using to store rubber worms? If boxes what size? I seen Aaron Marten using some but don't know what size he's using. Thanks
  19. Don't watch them I go fishing!!!!!!
  20. Ranger rt 188 Love it!!!
  21. Sleep? There'll be enough time for that when your dead
  22. If it's like mine there is a flat thumb piece you must slide over first. No there is no knob to lift. Hope this helps.
  23. 1) If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough! 2) You're dead for a long time.
  24. Do any of you guys use Boat U.S.? Just wondering how they compare to the other companies mentioned. Thanks
  25. No matter what it always comes down to personal preference. No 2 people are ever gonna see eye to eye on anything! That's why in the day of the indian there was scouts, hunters, warriors and 1 CHIEF.
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