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Fishin Dad

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Everything posted by Fishin Dad

  1. I always save them, then when my stack gets too high and they are in the way, I have thrown some out. I do keep the schematics and parts in a drawer. I just looked and I have 8 boxes left. Time to buy some new reels.
  2. That is the rod I broke. A Cabelas Archnid. It was a $200 rod retail. They were awesome. I bought 4 at $39.99-$59.99 on clearance. Told my buddies and they flocked in and bought some too. I wish I would have stocked up more when I could. ??
  3. Fishin Dad


    Lol, I have actually considered putting a small treble in my trailer like a Magdraft. One barb in the trailer and the other 2 for fish lips. I like to fish chatters around vegetation at times. This might be a problem. I just hope I am in a little bad stretch. I have a tourney tomorrow and really need to land fish.
  4. I want to give these a try as well. I have seen that people say to fish them like a crankbait instead of a football jig. Reel them fast along the bottom and let them wiggle and bounce around. I will probably use any bigger sized craw, creature, or swimbait. I really want to try a swimbait using it like that. I assume you have to use 3/4 oz or more to keep it on bottom.
  5. Fishin Dad


    I was actually thinking the other day (right after losing two big fish on my chatterbait) that I want to look for a chatter with a massive barb on it. I have had too many fish throw the bait this year so far. Not sure what is going on. This is my confidence bait and usually has very good hook up to land ratio.
  6. I just posted on a sun glass topic about this a few days ago. I switched back to Oakleys for this reason. I am going to purchase some clear lenses after reading this. Glad everything turned out ok for you Phish!! Good reminders too.
  7. 12-20 lb. Fluoro for 90% of my jig fishing. 10% is braid when fishing grass with a jig. I usually T-rig grass more.
  8. I just snapped my favorite football jig rod, but on a fish. ( I got the fish in with half a rod, it was just under 3 lbs). I was using 17 lb. Fluoro and had made a long cast. Felt the fish pin it to the bottom, then pick it up, reeled down and set it………..POW!! Broke my heart. I ordered a new one ( it only took a few days to arrive from Omnia), but I am not sure I love it yet. I am going to order another rod tomorrow to try out. I haven’t broken many rods. I hope it is the last one for the year.
  9. I always tie this knot when using fluorocarbon. I have never had the knot break. I can tie this in under 10 seconds too.
  10. I usually go through a progression if I feel the spot deserves it. I will usually throw a chatterbait, spinnerbait, or swimbait/swim jig over the spot first. Like Scaleface above, I am still trying to figure out how to work a crank through wood cover. After I try moving baits, I will throw a football jig. If that doesn’t work, I will try finesse (drop shot, Neko, shakyhead). If those don’t work, I may throw a quick Ned through. That if is I think the spot is worth that much effort.
  11. I have Smith, Costa, and Oakleys. I just like the fit and weight of the Oakleys best. I also don’t like wearing glass lenses while fishing. I have heard some stories of eye damage. I truly don’t see an advantage with the Costas.
  12. That is scary. We are surrounded by trees at our house too. I always wondered how much damage a tree would do. Yikes, that is bad. Glad you got through it safely.
  13. That is a great gift, wow!! Enjoy the rod and whatever reel you get. Can’t go wrong with that set up. Happy Birthday!!?
  14. For skipping I really like the Sieberts dredge dock jigs. I have also been happy with the new Berkley jigs and Zman cross eyes for dock skipping. I use the same jigs for Flippin at some cover while I am moving along. I do have a lot of football jigs I use for deeper fishing. I flip grass with the All terrain grass master jigs.
  15. I have been really lucky in Minnesota. I have had some great conversations with dock owners. I do pass on a dock if people are on it. Often times those people will ask how the fishing is. I guess it may be Minnesota nice is true.
  16. I actually keep smelly jelly in its jar plus inside a ziplock bag inside a small Rubbermaid container. No kidding.
  17. I know musky rods go up to 8’6” and beyond and XXXh, but they are brutal to fish with for a day. If you are going to bass fish most of the time, I would for sure go with the 7’6” heavy rod. Wielding that for a day can be tiring on your hands, wrists, etc. I catch musky and pike on 7’6” rods with no problem. I am going pike fishing tomorrow and we will be throwing little spoons on medium spinning rods and should hook up a 40”+ pike or two. No problems. I know that sounds weird, but it works.
  18. There is no way I would out smelly jelly within 3 ft of my food or drink. That stuff is nauseating. Mega strike, no problem. I use smelly jelly with smallmouth and it works, but not going anywhere I can smell it, especially by food. ?
  19. This is one awesome bass fishing family!!!
  20. I have a few heavy rods. Of course, this is always subjective since there is no standard in the rod industry. I use a heavy for football jigs cast a long ways and dragged on fluoro, punching, and for frogs. I use a lot of fluoro and the heavy rods work on hook sets from distance.
  21. I must work a drop shot different like Pogues describes. I always have contact with the bait, nothing like bobber fishing. I cast it out, tighten up, and reel a little bit, shake it a little, reel some more, pop it, etc. I feel it is more like Texas rig fishing off the bottom. There are days when they want it sitting more still, and you can do that while keeping it off the bottom. I would also rather chunk and wind a chatter or flip/skip a jig and jack em, but the drop shot is unreal when you need it and not that boring to me. Keeping a bait suspended in the strike zone is amazing!!
  22. Yeah, my first transaction in Japan was for the zillion SV. It was such an easy transaction , that is why I am looking that way again. The Certate through Japan is still $150 cheaper than buying here. I was hoping to try to get by with less, but I already own a Tatula LT, Fuego Lt, etc. I need at least one more nice spinning reel. I often take my wife, daughters, or a buddy or two who need spinning reels. I like them to have decent drags to save on the rod and make a smoother catch. This reel will be for me if I grab a Certate. Lol. I really want the 3000 CXH and just checked and can’t find one for under $300. Digitaka is out.
  23. Man, you read my mind. I have been looking at that reel for a year now. I just wasn’t sure if it was worth it or not. It seems they have put a lot of the tech from their top reels in this one. I had read some say they were awesome, but didn’t know if it was that much better than the next step down. Thanks!! I just read up on that reel too. I just didn’t really understand where it stood in the line up. If it has all the tech, only minus two bearings, that is a solid reel I assume. I will look at that one again. Thanks.
  24. I have been looking for a JDM spinning reel for around $200. I know the value is there with a weak Yen. It is just hard to navigate all the different unique names etc. I have tried to look them up on the manufacturers sites, but I am still not sure. Any recommendations?? I really like a a 3000 size reel with a higher (6.?:1) gear ratio. Thanks.
  25. Drop shot is amazing in Minnesota. When I take my wife and kids fishing, it is usually a drop shot, sometimes a Ned rig. I love drop shot for them. It helps them keep the depth correct and they can leave it or move it and it works. I don’t love fishing it , but sometimes, like right now it can be necessary. The weeds have recently died and are laying on the bottom rotting. A drop shot keeps your bait up and out of that garbage. Wife and I just hammered them this morning on the drop shot. I also threw a football jig, Ned, Texas rig. All a pain in the weedy rear end. Drop shot was the ticket.
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