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Fishin Dad

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Everything posted by Fishin Dad

  1. Thanks TnRiver46! I was thinking about stopping in there with my wife and daughters next time they go. I can at least see what the product looks like. If you want to see what the chicken jig is, google Seth Feider chicken jig. There are a couple videos of them fishing it. They have been very successful with it in Minnesota where I live. They charge over $15 for them. I know I can make them a lot cheaper. They sell them at Tackle Warehouse. Outcast Tackle Chicken hair jig. Thanks for the info. I see you are a Global Moderator, Congrats!! I think that is new??
  2. That has been my problem in looking for the synthetic fur they are using. I can’t find very long synthetic fur. I looked at Lure Parts Online and they have some interesting synthetic materials. I just wish I knew closer to what those look and feel like without having to order all of them. Whatever they (Outcast) use, they say it really slows down the fall rate. They use 3/4 oz jigs in not very deep water for them. I think the only thing that is really “chicken” in the two long feathers that flow longer on the jig. Thanks for answering so quickly!
  3. I have been reading on here and you all make incredible things! I mess with tackle and modify things, but I am going to dive more into hair and tying bass jigs. I have done some (horrible, quick, uneducated) stuff, but want to try a little more. I really like the concept of the big old Chicken jig by Outcast tackle. They say it is made with synthetic fur. Does anyone have any idea what that is and where the best place to find it would be? Thanks in advance. I am going to keep reading here. This is really fun to check out.
  4. Munkin, I have been going back and reading a lot of your posts. Holy balls do you make a lot of baits. It is incredible! Do you sell them just off forums and Facebook? That is amazing that you make that many baits. I saw your offer a while ago to have someone make baits with you. I would travel a long ways to do that, however, not all the way from Minnesota.
  5. I heard it was going to start today, but I haven't seen anything.
  6. Which Super Duty are you guys loving so much? There are 4 models on TW. I want to pick one up.
  7. I like the looks of that skirt. Where is that from?
  8. Looks awesome, I will fish it and let you what I really think. I will even send pics of what catch………………in 5 stinking months. Seriously though. It’s looks solid. Good bluegill/perch imitator in my colored water.
  9. That is a really great chart! I wish I would have seen that when I was new to bassin’! That is really good info in there. Nice find!!
  10. T-Billy, thank you sooo much for that info. You just covered 3 of the other rods I was considering!! Please let me know how that Ark rod works out. I have heard great things about that rod, but also that it might be a little too stiff. It looks pretty parabolic in the video on the cast. I hope it works out great for you. I really have to find a great chatter bait rod. I throw them A LOT!
  11. I agree I love composite rods for moving baits as well. I just felt that the Quantum KVD was underpowered for 1/2 oz. With trailers. I bought a Dobyns Champion XP 735 because I had read it is the best bladed jig rod. It is just not for me. I really like composite and 17 pound fluoro. It looked to me like the heavy Lews KVD would handle no problem, just wondered if it wasn’t going to be parabolic enough at a lure rating of 1/2-2 oz. For $100, I will probably just give it a try.
  12. I also give a wide berth to shore fisherman. I just angle way out, never make a cast and get far clear of the area before I even consider fishing again. It is really crappy if someone is that arrogant that they think they own the lake because they have a boat.
  13. Hey All, I don’t want to start an argument about glass rods and bladed jigs. I am just curious about anyone who has used these for bladed jigs. I have an old KVD Quantum glass rod I have used with lighter chatterbaits. The rod is overpowered by them, but I love that parabolic bend. I see the MH is only rated 1/4-1/2 oz. But the Heavy is rated 1/2-2 oz. That seems like an extreme discrepancy. It would seem more logical for the MH to be around 3/8-1 or so. Share your thoughts please. Thanks!
  14. That bag is the Wild River Tackle Tek Lighted Bar Handle Tackle Bag.
  15. I agree with you. I hated when my boxes had to be vertical. A few years ago I bought this bag It has worked out really well. I bring when I fish out of buddies boats. I often bring it in my boat when fishing alone as well. It has held up pretty well, but has gotten expensive. I bought it for $90 cheaper then. There are others like it now. I just haven’t used them. Good luck in your search. I will be doing the same thing when this one dies. I would probably not pay what they are asking for this one now.
  16. I would use a soft jerkbait. Yamamoto D Shad or Strike King Caffeine Shad. Weedless, great action, fish fast or slow.
  17. That is AWESOME. I have a St. Croix 9'6" crappie rod that broke before I could even use it. It was in the boat and was rubbing on a latch the whole 5 hour drive. Wore the area out and it broke right there. I don't turn in warranty when it is my fault to I am going to try the ice rod thing you did. I have moved to more noodle rods for panfish and want to build one. If you would, report back once we get on the ice. I would love to hear how you like those blanks. I may copy them if you like them. Thanks!! Good luck this winter.
  18. Solid. Lithium augers are unreal. You can't even give away gas augers anymore. I have not built an ice rod yet. Those will be awesome. There is not nearly as many choices in ice rods so it is nice to make what you want. What blanks did you build on?
  19. I have had good luck with them also. Rods are packed solidly. Their sales are crazy and shipping is stupid fast. I have spent waaaaay too much money there this year.
  20. Sorry. I use the dredge jig. The shape of that hook holds the plastics and seems to hook them and hold them extremely well. I also love buying directly from the maker. From everything I have heard, he is a great guy.
  21. My favorite jig. I love the hook as it seems to hold the plastic on better. The shape is more of an arkie jig shape. Skips awesome, wire tied to prevent the skirt from falling on the skip. I like a 3/8 most of the time. I will use 1/4 and 1/2 at times as well. Skirt selection is awesome.
  22. You can say that again. I am fortunate to live in Minnesota where it is pretty easy to catch bass. I can usually pick a new bait and head out for the day and catch some bass with it. This year my breakthrough bait was a shaky head. Tried for the first time and it helped us cash in some tournaments. kept using it with solid success, often over a drop shot. Texas rigs and drop shot are two amazing fish catchers.
  23. My question would be, what DID you catch fish on. I am going to assume a texas rig, crankbait, frog, casting jig. Good luck next year on getting them on those listed.
  24. Thanks for the smile, I honestly did smile. That all makes sense. I am not much of a dragger per se. we used to have a cabin on Balsam Lake when I was young. Really like that lake. I was more into walleye and panfish back then. I would bet the stumps hold some bass if that is still viable after all these years. I like the fact that you fish natural lakes in the Midwest too. More relevant to my fishing. Thanks!
  25. First, I have probably mentioned it before, but your name “papa joe” makes me smile every time I read it. My grandfather, who taught me how to fish, was also “papa joe”. Thanks. I was always thinking that craws would be a good horizontal presentation as they crawl along the bottom. Is there a reason you use them more vertically? I like the simplicity of your system, just wondering how or why you came to it? I also use your theory for swim jigs. Thanks!
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