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Fishin Dad

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Everything posted by Fishin Dad

  1. It just drives me nuts to see Elite Series anglers pull all their fish out of the live well, lay them out, flip them over, then GUESS what fish is bigger. Put the bass on the scale, use a numbered cull tag, and get back to fishing. When you catch the next fish, check the scale, find the number, put it back, and KNOW you culled the correct fish. End of rant!
  2. I would say I fished at least 60 days last year. I always threaten to start logging my fishing, but haven’t done so yet. I “plan” to log my info again this year, we will see if that happens. Frozen lakes are a bummer.
  3. I can’t stand sunscreen. Anywhere. Being bald and hating sunscreen means I wear a sun hoodie everyday on the water. I pull the hood over my hat. I will also wear a neck gaiter or if I HAVE to, will out sunscreen on my nose . I also wear sun pants most days as well. Gloves are an on and off thing. I hate them with treble hooks. They are a magnet for them. I agree, I feel cooler wearing sun clothes. I spent too many years in the outdoors without any protection. Not taking chances now.
  4. That would be steal if someone wanted to try one or was an Abu fanboy. Does that deal exist?
  5. I do believe that a person doesn’t know what they like until they try A LOT of different things in different situations with different people. That is how I got so many baits and tackle. Now that I know what I like, I do stock up when on sale. I still mess around trying different things and I do believe that using lures or colors that others aren’t might help catch pressured fish. There are a lot more fisherman out there now. There are also too many videos, shows, podcasts, and forums that sell things that actually do work for them. Not just companies trying to make money. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
  6. I prefer the Guidewear from Bass Pro/Cabelas. Right now you can get 25% off if you are a club member.
  7. I absolutely loved the football jig this year. It was the first year I really used it a lot. I had always used a drop shot or shaky head in deeper rock. I ended up having a 3/4 oz. Football tied up all year and used it a ton. I even threw it around some isolated sunken wood and it worked there too, even though that is definitely not its intended use. I would cast it as far as I could with 20 lb fluoro and drag it across rock. The bass would pin it the bottom then take off with it. Man, I love that bite!
  8. Thanks NavyToad! That’s what I wanted to hear. I found the rod for $123 so I might give it a go and add it to the arsenal. I skip docks and trees a lot in our lakes. I LOVE the Tatula SV! I have 4 of them and two Zillion SV now. I tried the Lew’s SP (Skip and Pitch) and didn’t like it at all compared to the Tatula. I still have it, but use it more for pitching than skipping now. I actually much prefer the Tatula over the new Zillion SV. I love the old Zillion SV though. Thanks for the feedback and good skipping to ya!!
  9. I understand what you are saying. It is just there is no standard in the industry to know exactly how a rod feels without using them all. I know I could read the rod deflection numbers, power, action, weight, etc., but I would prefer to know how it fishes in hand with someone who may skip docks a lot as well. I like a softer tip to load up but something that transitions to backbone to get them out. I know this is subjective, but I value opinions on here. I own 25-30 casting rods, but would like to narrow down my next rod purchase(s) to try to get one close to what I may like. I figured if Lews made a rod, with input from the best skipping pro in the biz, it should be appropriate for the job. I saw it on sale and thought I may try it, but wanted input. I just didn’t want another rod if people say it was not great for the job I intended it for. Y’All let me know if you know of a rod that you feel is a great skipping rod. Thanks.
  10. Thanks RW! Post up when you get a chance to give it a try! Hope you love it.
  11. Any opinions from those who have used this rod. Specifically the 7’1” version. I can’t seem to find much for reviews on them. I have seen anywhere from “horrible broomstick” to “awesome for skipping”. Nothing really in depth or from anyone I trust like Bassresource. Please comment if you have fished this model. Thanks in advance! Fishin Dad
  12. I agree. I wish there some in Minnesota too. The website makes me so mad I don’t really look anymore. When I see something I want on sale, it usually says, not available to ship. After a couple of those attempts, I close the tab and end it. I am happy for those that get to shop those deals. Go get em boys and girls!
  13. That article was amazing! Now that is dedication to detail. I am excited about trying this for sure. I took some notes from the article. Thanks for sharing that.
  14. Ok. So it is doable! I will treat my clothes with permethrin, spray the deet, and give it a shot. I think it would be incredible. Fishing at night with some wind might help the bugs, but ruin some of the serenity. I will put my head down and hammer it out sometime this summer, which is a LONG ways away. ?
  15. I have never fished bass on my smaller lakes after dark. I think the bugs take all the enjoyment out of it. I have fished for walleyes until midnight trolling and the lake flies mayflies can be annoying, but they don’t bite! I may have to trustee night bite this year and see how bad the bugs are.
  16. Living in Minnesota with so many lakes and not working in the summer, I almost always have a quiet place. I usually get to a lake around sunrise and fish until I get hot. I usually head home and might head back out in the evening to a different lake with even less potential for people. Catching sunrise and sunset alone on a lake is my quiet place all summer.
  17. Rich, I did the same thing on the Trappers. I won’t be able to use them for 3 months so I hope they work out. For the price, I thought I can throw them if they don’t work. Let me know what you think when you get the chance to try them.
  18. If I would use all the stuff, I wouldn’t pay over $40. I would offer $30
  19. This site is a great escape from the politics and doom and destruction in the world and allows us to just focus on fishing and the type of people fisherman are. Great, sharing, giving, friendly people who care. I find this at tournaments as well. Most of the people in the fishing community are just friendly, kind, helpful, talkative folks. Thanks for being “ Those People”!!!
  20. I think it needs to repeated, this site has such great people and leadership! I had made a post about a product being sold out. Northern Basser read my post and offered to send me one of those exact items. He then proceeded to send me some pics to choose the one I liked and actually sent me TWO of them. Now I feel extremely guilty about this act, but it is here at Bass Resource that these types of things happen. As I have read about this many times before and now having it happen to me, it really restores faith that there are still great people in the world. Bass Resource seems to have plenty. This is a great place to find great people and leadership that keep this site so clean, positive, and friendly. So, thank you Northern Basser and Bass Resource community!!
  21. If you want to save money, braid to fluoro is the way to go. Not to mention sensitivity, line management, and all the other benefits. Braided mainline will last years as will the spool of fluoro as you only use 8-12 FEET per re-tie. Connection knots are really easy with all the videos out there. I maybe get 1 wind knot per season and I fish 5 days per week.
  22. Thanks! I will have to see if I can get my hands on some to try out. What advantages did you see?
  23. What is the consensus here about sinking or at least neutrally buoyant braid? I do use the braid floating on the water as a strike indicator, so I get that part. I just think there would be some advantages to a sinking braid at times and I thought there were some out there. Give me your thoughts please. Thanks!!
  24. I have heard that from others too. Thanks. There are some gems out there that aren’t $500.
  25. Hey Quake, just curious what your favorite rod is? I agree, you can find great balanced and light rods in that $150 range.
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