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Fishin Dad

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Everything posted by Fishin Dad

  1. Ordering from Japan brought a little anxiety the first time, but man is that an easy and positive experience every time I do it. thanks for the PayPal advice!! I will definitely use that.
  2. Thanks for the answers. You have assured me this could be done. I have ordered quite a bit from Japan, but they don’t sell the Daiwa Tatula Elite Pitch and flip reel that I can find. I know I should just get the Zillion TW, but AliExpress had the Tatula for $163. It looks like an interesting reel I would like to try.
  3. Hey All, I know I might get ripped for thinking about ordering from a place like this, but when I typed it in the search looking for who had them, this come up $100 cheaper. I was just wondering if it was even legit. I have never ordered from any places like this. Have any of you ordered from here and it worked out?? Thanks
  4. Very sorry to hear this Sir! You have had a very positive impact on so many here at BR and I know you have with friends, family, and more. I will never forget when you generously sent a couple lures to an anonymous member (me) when I simply asked a question. That simple act had a big impact on me and helped me be more generous with others. I hope you can reflect on a great life and the impact you have had to give you peace. I will also pray that God brings you and your family peace and comfort.
  5. Some of the sale items at Dick’s are (were) INSANE!! I am probably glad I didn’t see it in time to buy. It would have cost me more than it should have! Wow
  6. Darn it. They had the best deals on tungsten. Better look for some sales.
  7. Anyone know what happened to this site to buy tungsten?? Maybe I missed it, but it is gone now.
  8. Thankfully they don’t have any spinning rods. I don’t need to spend any more money on fishing for a while.
  9. A lot of people use a hair jig under a float. Just a little action and hair pulses. That is what WRB was getting at.
  10. I fished Rice, Okaboji, and Clear.
  11. It does seem like a silly law and a silly policy to get it changed. Living 10 minutes from Iowa does make it easy to fish early season.
  12. I am still jealous. For the lakes you have in your area, it is worth the wait. Love Alex!! Good luck when you get out. I have my first tourney April 21 in Iowa. We have slowed up our progress a lot here lately, but the weather looks much better next week. Mid 60’s and rain.
  13. It is getting really close. Wife and I are actually looking outside the state. Hard to leave all these darn awesome lakes though.
  14. The DNR is so weird about the walleye on this lake. It doesn’t affect me as I enjoy hammering some big walleyes while I smallmouth fish there. It just seems bizarre with the regulations.
  15. Thanks Bud, I am also trying to narrow down my massive plastics collection. I am going to give these a try for my beaver style baits. I think I only have one color, maybe Junebug. I hope I like them. Thank you.
  16. Grabbed my first bass of the year this week! Just under 4 lbs. Man, it felt good!! Trip down to Iowa, actually 3 trips!!!
  17. I have a few packs of these I got on sale but have never used them. Maybe I should pull them out and try them. Why do you like them??
  18. Sweet. I will check it out. Thanks
  19. Hey Fellas, I am interested in trying the Her u,es braided line you talked about. It looks like the diameters are much thinner than 832. Have you guys noticed that? Are you using the same lb. Test as you were with other lines. I assumed if it is a Japanese line, it is like others and does have a smaller diameter. I was looking at the 20 lb. Orange for spinning rods with a leader. Thoughts? Thanks
  20. I do not order nearly as much from TW anymore either. I do think Tackle Warehouse still has the best selection. There are just so many good deals out there now. Midway USA had the greatest deals when they first got into fishing stuff a couple years ago. They got A LOT of my money. They still have some great deals, I just don’t need as much. I don’t buy a lot anymore, but if I know I need something specific, I just look around and find the best deal. I am pretty loyal to Midway now after they hooked up so many deals. They have a great system: Fast shipping, great customer service, good selection, and solid website.
  21. I buy the combination sports license. It gets me a hunting and fishing license and my wife a fishing license only. I don’t keep many fish anymore, but I grab some spring crappies and a walleye here and there. My wife likes eating fish.
  22. Congrats! At first I thought the move south was hard on you!!!😂
  23. I know there was a lot of talk about the Tackle Warehouse website changes, but after messing with it for a while now, I am liking it. I was very perplexed when it first came out. I am not tech savvy and don’t like change much. I have to say it wasn’t so bad after all. They have offered some nice sales lately again as well. At least for some of the stuff I was looking for. Just wanted to give them some props after the beating they took.
  24. I totally agree that it is going to be an interesting year to see how things play out. I don’t have FFS and don’t ever plan to get it. Not really enjoying watching it either. I really enjoy drop shotting and won money with it last year. I fish it more like a Texas rig I guess. I cast it out and work it back. My wife and daughter hammer fish with it as well. But I get it! It is definitely not frog or jig fishing, which are my favorite!!
  25. Thanks for the reminder!! I have been stuck on only looking at the forum unless someone posts a link to an article, story, etc. This is the best site by far in my opinion. I will reiterate again, the moderators keep this cordial, on topic, and informational. In this world today, I LOVE that! Once again, great job Bass Resource!
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