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About -David-

  • Birthday January 1

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    Bucks County, PA
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  1. Just renewed my slip. Hope to have the boat wet mid to late April. Nice looking fish guys!
  2. The Square Bill. Thanks! I've also got Whoper Plopper in the bullpen waiting to try, its a 130 Rainbow Trout color but am still wondering which color would be best for us. In the threads asking the same question it seems like everybody has a different preference.
  3. Please post a link to the exact one you have been using.
  4. Fish Picture Taking 101 = hold your arm out so it looks much bigger LOL Well done sir! I had planned on giving froggy a try this year but with the travel schedule being so insane this season the yacht remains covered.
  5. Have a Crestliner 1650 Fish Hawk with a Merc 20 on the lake and its a real dog. Although the Storm may be a bit better. I replaced my Stock Prop 9.5 x 10 Pitch with a 9.5 x 8 Pitch last year and also added a Stingray Jr. Hydrofoil. It helped for sure but its still a doggie dog. Pics somewhere in this thread.
  6. Welcome! What kind of boat? And do let the rest of us know when you figure the lake out since it still confuses so many of us
  7. Nope. Just starting to think about getting the boat ready
  8. Anybody know what this is?
  9. Just pulled the boat but have to agree the fishing has been pretty good. Next year we should all plan a Nox Day!
  10. PM'ed you my email address - maybe we can get together at some point.
  11. Fish must have lost their calendars because they didn't seem to care We were out at sunset as well and had to dodge the pontoons haha. It's coming to my favorite time on the lake.
  12. Yesterday. Also lost two smaller ones before they got in the boat.
  13. Don't think that would fly but you may be over thinking this. Nox is not all that big. Get an Alum boat, toss on a 20 hp and enjoy the slower pace of life. It still won't take you all that long to cross the lake end to end. Even if we were allowed a 90hp you would be on the other side just as you got on plane. I changed my prop pitch and added a fin to get some extra get up and go but it is what it is.
  14. The problem at Nox are all the sail boaters who are still annoyed at it being raised to 20. They consider the lake as their own personal bathtub and act accordingly.
  15. Crestliner 1650 Fish Hawk. Pics in a Lake Nox thread http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/129800-lake-nockamixon/page-2 And yes, the 20 HP limit sucks and forced me to outfit a boat just for the lake because we live so close.
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