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Everything posted by Robeng

  1. Having the Elite 5 hdi combo with transducer 83/200 & 45/800 combination for down imaging and sonar. Works great. overlay, etc. I keep sensitivity up usually and am in shallow mode as most lakes here dont go beyond 30 feet deep that I fish.
  2. Thanks Lund Explorer- I appreciate your advice.
  3. Nice Toads! Congrats from the north country.
  4. That was just fantastic!! Very interestng.
  5. Agreed with above as my 1991 40hp ELPT is very similar. Always glad to help with what I know and don't know.
  6. I have a motorguide x3 with 45 lb thrust and 45 inch. Bow mount on 16 foot aluminum. Deep cycle battery only for it. Works well. I did a lot of research prior too. Bow mount pulls and works better in wind. Easier to pull than push. Though when excessive wind trolling motors can't keep up is my opinion. I got foot pedal which is good but sometimes think the hand operated might have been better but then you need one hand being used. Just a thought. Good luck.
  7. Thanks to Lund Explorer, Catt, and A-Jay. Much appreciated. Lund Explorer: I have heard similar opinions I the Chene anchor. Thank you again.
  8. I am looking for 3 strand nylon rope to tie onto fluke anchor. Rope Diameter is 3/8 x 100-150 ft long. I really only need 100ft for 16 ft aluminum Lund. Fluke anchor is a Chene anchor. Made in Michigan---some like them-some dont. Thought I'd give it a try. I also have coated fluke anchors but in certain bottom conditions, the bow doesnt always hold well in strong wind. Thought maybe the Chene anchor (non-coated) would be better off the bow. Grab bottom better. Question is >>>What brand rope? (I dont want too soft of a rope, using the 3 strand nylon. Of course, must hold tie-off directly to anchor (no chain allowed as it is a slip ring type) AND splice well.) Any suggestions of specific brand rope? Thoughts on Chene Anchor and tie-off? See pictures. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.
  9. Robeng


    I wear too as I have already had a small spot of skin cancer a few years back. Doc told me to cover up.
  10. In the garage. I keep new SUV outside and 24 year old Lund in garage! My lady just shakes her head at me. City allows 5 days in driveway then off 5 days. Crazy rule. I have a neighbor that actually complained on the 6th day--he has nothing better to do. I live on country road not cement suburb. If you drive around area many people park them in driveways all year long. But Im good with the garage. Better for my boat. And me.
  11. The Bass Anglers Almanac by John Weiss. Also like the all around book Fishing Michigan by Eric Sharp of the Detroit Free Press.
  12. Navionics app for phone-though my phone is kind of small for old eyes. Have to keep zooming in and out. Much better using Navionics Premium on Lowrance. Probably would look much better on a tablet.
  13. Try Lowrance Elite 4 for under $200. Or spend more $$ for higher end units from $299-$600. Thn you get iinto the $1k-$3k. Have fun
  14. Above Springfield site is great place. Concur.
  15. Check out Honda Panther Amphibious Jeep on YouTube. I'll take one.
  16. check out the Field and Stream post in Tackle Forum. One just opened in Detroit area. Not as big as BPS. Fishing section I thought was small and limited. Good fly fishing selection-sort of. At least its another alternative close to me.
  17. You can probably find what you need at Overtons.com. I went thru same thing last year and they have separate parts or whole package deal.
  18. I have a 16 foot aluminum. I bought the 5 foot bunk guides from tie down engineering (www.tiedown.com) from overtons. Make sure you have enough room to mount to trailer and keep clear of other stuff like trailer wheel etc. I've also seen 2 or 3 foot long bunk guides. I thought of using the vertical white PVC poles which you can make yourself just need mounting hardware- but have seen those get broken and I like the bunk guides. They are adjustable with mounting hardware to space out from sides of boat. I put mine to leave one inch gap from side of guide to side of boat. Hope that helps.
  19. Field and Stream store is open today March 11 in Troy michigan. Grand opening week of March 26. I stopped in at lunch and got a couple shadow raps. Good looking store. Yes about 2/3 size of BPS. Prices were competitive. Less fishing selection but some higher end rods. Hunting was large area. They have free rewards program. Buy something then take survey on their website and get $10 off next purchase of $50 or more. Not bad. Overall I was impressed and close to home than BPS for me. Though not a lot of boating items. Check it out.
  20. More ice last year on all Great Lakes. Last I heard this winter was 85.4% ice on great lakes. Last year 2013-2014 was 94.76 percent ice. Two consecutive years with Grea Lakes over 80% ice--first time since 1970's. Here in Michigan, seemed everything was delayed all year long from bass to salmon. Spring was cooler last year. We'll see what happens this year with temps etc.
  21. ok weather temp check: 50 in Detroit. Ice melting at shoreline. They pulled a few off the ice this weekend. Unfortunately, more to come if history prevails. Happy for you Senko Lover. I guess I better go get those new batteries. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Roger that on the bladed jigs.
  23. Nice man! Thanks for sharing that. More ***.
  24. Rip rap, structure, cover, man, what a beautiful lake. As one said earlier, you get it. Just to be out there and even casting. Always nice to catch, but just being there, solitude, ambiance, the waters surface like glass. Lucky you. We still have ice but shore is melting. Getting ready, so preparation and sacrifice meet Opportunity. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Interesting---thanks RSM789. Would be cool to know if same fish.
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