This evening I went fishing at a local park pond, it's not the usual park pond it's pretty rural. But I haven't been there for a couple months, and it was littered with a ton of tangled line and torn soft plastics. I have never seen that much litter from just fishermen. I have seen trash stations strictly for tangled line and torn plastics in an FLW magazine, and thought about putting one up by the boat ramp. I have a pretty good idea on how to make it using a five gallon bucket, some stakes, and a sign, but I do have a few questions about it before I do it.
Will it work?
Can I get in trouble? (If I get it up before anybody sees me how can I, right?)
What should the sign hanging above it say?
Have you seen or used one?
How would you make one if you were so inclined?
Any feedback would be much appreciated.