1. It takes new people to come up with new ideas.
2. If you think fishing a highly pressured pond is easier than fishing a full-sized bass fishing lake your'e wrong.
If you were right and pond fishing was easier to fish there would be no need for bass boats.
Let's put it this way which hypethetical body of water would you rather fish pond A or lake B?
Pond A. This pond is 5-15 acres in size (which in some cases may be generous). It's biggest fish may only be 3-4 lbs. It is hammered all day by bucket fishermen and guys throwing t-rigs. And there are only 3 real places with cover they are; a couple laydowns, one good point, and a cove with lilypads, these areas are obvious and magnets for fishermen and get hit hard all day. The fish in this pond probably see a lure a day.
Lake B. This lake is easily 5-10 times bigger than the pond. The biggest fish in the lake may break the state record it has infinite amounts of cover, thousands of points, docks, ect. This lake has a full parking lot, but once you're on the water you barely see anybody. The fish in the lake may only see a lure every other week (if that).
I don't know about you, but I'm fishing the lake.