I had "strawberries" and cream oats for breakfast today, but when I poured it in a bowl one of the "strawberry" pieces looked weird (suspiciously like a piece of apple). So, I looked at the ingredient list and it said (and I paraphrase slightly) "the "strawberry" bits that you thought were real pieces of actual "strawberry" are actually crappy pieces of dried, painted, and flavored bits of apple...sorry for the inconvienience". Why not just charge the extra five cents and use real strawberries? This is only one example of how companies lie about their products. There are brands of lemonade that use no real lemon juice, and pumpkin flavored ice cream with no pumpkin. Look in your pantry, and post if there are any products where the main ingredient is not in the ingredient list. If you look, I think you'll be surprised at how many there are.