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Big C

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Everything posted by Big C

  1. Hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Fix it, fish it, and don't break it again.
  2. Firetiger lipless crakbaits two years ago, sick fish last year and frogs this year. I dont think lure swings are the fish, it's the fishermen. It's pretty interesting.
  3. Big C


    ^^^ Pretty sure scuba divers use it to keep their goggles from fogging up.
  4. Big C


    Cat Crap?
  5. This is always turns into a knock down drag out brawl of an argument when somone opens this can of beans in my house. My dad loves bay boats for their magical versatility. My brother and I have always gone the bass boat route. (Note: we have neither a bay or bass boat, we regretably have kayaks) Here's how I see it. I can do everything I want to in a bass boat...FISH FOR BASS. If you think you're going to take out a bay boat more than your bass boat go for it, get what you are going to use more.
  6. You can usually find an old cheap mount at garage sales, antique malls, ect. I have an old crappy one that I spray painted electric blue. It actually looks pretty cool, so if you find one super cheap buy and paint it a crazy color, the results are great.
  7. Try throwing a buzz frog (toad), I really like the Gambler Cane Toads. They have been tearing them up here.
  8. Are you buying?
  9. Watching an 84 Grandmother jump 11 flaming school buses wearing an Evil Knievel jumpsuit, is not something I want to see...I think.
  10. Yes, it works...really really well.
  11. Honestly, it might be cheaper to have some crankbaits custom painted.
  12. Those only work in the E.U.
  13. You can't be too careful.
  14. That's a good looking bug-eyed chubby bass.
  15. Does that 8lb. bass have anything to do with that?
  16. It's the other BM, "Bass Matter"
  17. I think the spoon and the popper are the best choices you have. If you use the popper make it really chug, remember it's not for bass the more obnoxious the splash the better. If you are going to buy an additional lure make it a 3-4" Berkely GULP! "New Penny" shrimp on a red or chart. jig head. Those are absolutely killer.
  18. The question is "If your local government made it law to kill every bass you caught, would you?" it's a hypothetical question where the law would cover all the bodies of water you fish.
  19. Pool noodles are good replacments for foam blocks. Otter boxes. Wal-mart has really cheap nets. Trilene Big Game. Wally World for life jackets too. Depends on what you're putting in it.
  20. I heard some brave souls were going to Raider's house, not me though it's just too creepy.
  21. I don't have the Pro Grade Ti's, but I have three of the originals. I love them. They get a ton of hate, but I would say they are about as good as a $100 rod can get. Good looking combo.
  22. I want to see pictures of that...oh wait, no I don't.
  23. Arguments and discussions are two different things. And, since it's not locked yet, so far so good. Suprisingly enough.
  24. Correction, they have passed it. It is Bill S2894. It is to save the "Clear Lake Hitch". Tom posted a thread in the Tournaments section, "The Fate Of Bass Tournaments", for more info.
  25. Either a Skate or Eagle Ray
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