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Khan of the Res

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Everything posted by Khan of the Res

  1. Yesterday, June 20th, two weeks into my Carp fishing career without a single take, I finally got a one from a 30 inch, 13.51 pound common carp. I was fishing the in the Sudbury in a mucky area. The best part about it? I got the entire fight on my gopro! I couldn't get any proper photos but here is the video:
  2. Solution: LiveTarget Blue Gill Squarebill crank bait.
  3. Chain Pickerel (Esox Niger) are the smaller cousins of Northern Pike (Esox Lucius). The easiest way to tell the difference to me at least is the pattern along the flanks of the fish. Pike have a spotted pattern while Chain Pickerel have a chain link pattern on their sides. There are another two species of Pickerel. There is the Red Fin Pickerel (Esox Americanus Americanus) and Grass Pickerel (Esox Americanus Vermiculatus). These two are typically found down south. The Red Fin has red fins, a light tone with brownish tiger stripes and gras pickerel has an light green tone with black tiger stripes.
  4. Caught an 18.5 inch Chain Pickerel yesterday. I had fished all d**n day without so much as a bite and I lost another crank bait in a tree. I found some coves that were shaded and shielded from the wind and decided to throw a 5 inch big bite rubber worm in PB&J color and dipped in chartreuse JJ's magic dippin dye. He hit the worm and I set it too early and didn't get him but I threw it in the exact same spot and he hit it again and I finally got um. He tasted great!
  5. We just slide it off the bank at the boat landing. There is plenty of parking at the landing and you can also park along the street. Motor boats are allowed with a max of 10HP I believe. No jet skis allowed. You do not need to be an Ashland resident to park there and I've never seen a game warden in the 10 years I have fished there. In fact, for about 5 years, the state park itself was unstaffed. They stock the lake with trout every year rainbows, brooks, and browns. Tons of largemouth bass and sunfish along with the occasional chain pickerel which is always the best. I also advise bringing anchors. If we didn't have anchors yesterday we might as well have stayed home.
  6. We threw senkos, cranks, and blades all day long but the wind was killing us. We found an area that was protected from the wind and I decided to try out a popper that I have never used. I started throwing it into the areas with downed logs and the fish started attacking it rather than trying to eat it so they ended up getting foul hooked. First time I've ever caught a fish on a popper before. It works like magic.
  7. Caught my first bass today. Almost squealed like a little girl. caught him on a topwater popper. I caught a pickerel 15 minutes after this but my go pro ran out of juice.
  8. Day trader here. If college isn't your thing. trading can be a good alternative. One day I made $140 sitting at the lake and trading on my phone.
  9. All the ladies.
  10. I've never fished with leaders outside of fly fishing and now I am interested in trying them out on my angling rods. Since I will be using my bait caster for top water frogs, grass, and big cranks I need something that can be tossed into the weeds and heavy cover and can be ripped out no problem and also has no stretch so I can get better action. Should I used mono backing with a braided leader or just go with braid backing and a fluorocarbon leader?
  11. Just one more cast and then i'll go home... we've all been there haha
  12. fish um slooooooow. I mean really slow. The fish are lethargic as all hell and don't want to have to fight or chase a meal. Good luck and take some pics!
  13. i make a point to thoroughly fish every spot. I start a few feet from the edge of the water and then work my way forward until I am wading about balls deep in the water before giving up on the spot.
  14. haha i strung up the line before i went out. I had driven by the lake a while earlier and seen that there was an open spot and just spooled up my line impatiently and I guess I over spooled it. I was just dying to fish sooooooo bad i didn't care what happened. I went home about 3 hours later, completely soaking wet and shivering.
  15. Got one of their big newspaper advertisements sitting next to me right now. I'll definitely have to go check it out next week.
  16. i tried some power bait too but no luck. I could feel the sunfish just nibbling on it and they wouldn't chase it. I tossed it in and just held it there for a while and then I would reel it up and the worm would be magically gone.
  17. you're telling me. I down whiskey like water and just stumble around the woods til i find a good spot to fish and then sip some more! Oh and i'm not talking about the lures - it's the boat thats gonna cost you.
  18. ahhh ya beat me to it! also, don't buy the flashy stuff that costs an arm and a leg when you know you're probably going to lose it on the first cast. Also, bank fishing is always a great money saver and a way to get good exercise.
  19. Noticed the area around a bridge where tons of sunnies like to hang out was open today so I decided to try fishing with nightcrawlers - something I haven't used since I was 12. Well, when I got there it was fine but then it just started ticking down rain and then all the 4 letter words came out. Decided to try out my new go pro so I made a little video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5Xj1HMF1dk
  20. My buddy worked at a UPS facility for about six months. He was a truck loader. He said that they just whip everything into the truck without any regard for anything because of how aggravated they all get from loading thousands of boxes a day. Its a box? Chuck it. The box says fragile? Chuck it harder. He told me how a guy there threw a box so hard that it busted open and out fell a wicked expensive set of golf clubs, some of which were broken in half. When you pack your stuff, make sure its packed because its going to get manhandled regardless.
  21. a KA-BAR knife that I ordered arrived today from amazon. the box was filled with half ass packing, the KABAR knife box was open and had a hole in it, and the knife was dumped out into the larger box. Great knife, horrid shipping.
  22. 90% of what I like about this sport is sitting around doing nothing. If the fishing is slow, it gives me time to practice my bushcraft.
  23. pre spawn = big juicy baits. Minnows, shiners, shads, nightcrawlers, marshmallows, corn, bacon, spam, hell even some powerbait. These fish have been freezing and starving so you gotta give um something tasty. Drop shot ftw.
  24. Definition of bait: Noun - Food or other fabrications used to entice fish or other animals as prey.
  25. one of the best baits tom fish is a 5 inch senko but, how often do you see bright and florescent worms swimming around in the water? You are tricking the fish, thats why it's called bait.
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