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Everything posted by jamey1e

  1. I haven't found a way to tell without fishing with the rod for a little while. I've had light rods that felt heavy, heavy rods that felt light, cheap rods that were sensitive, and big money rods that felt dead. You just can't tell without getting out on the pond and using it. Also be careful taking advice from "prostaff" guys. Their getting benefits from a company to promote a product, but that's a story for another time!
  2. ML spinning rod followed closely by a 6'9" MH casting rod. Neither work for me.
  3. Texas rigged with a 2/0 hook and 1/4 oz bullet weight. Makes a great flipping bait.
  4. I've had both. The Zolo may have been a little more sensitive but to me it honestly wasn't enough to justify the price increase. I did however like the actions of the Zolo rods better than the Ikos.
  5. I have to agree a bass is not a bass wherever you go. I have 8 lakes within 2 hours of me and even though some share the same layouts the fish behave like polar opposites. Rules for my favorite lake: 1. Wind is your friend, find the most wind blown bank and you'll find the fish. 2. When the bite is slow, up size your bait. 3. Dirty water is your friend. 4. Don't be afraid to fish an area behind someone or run through an area you've already fished. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten zero bites in an area or down a bank only to go back through it an hour later and wreck'em. 5. Reaction baits are number one in the winter. 6. Doesn't matter what day of the week or time of day. May thru September be prepared at any given time to have your world rocked by a wake boat.
  6. I personally find summer the best time to target the big fish. Surprisingly I've found the afternoon hours between 1 and 5 to be the most productive for a couple of reasons. Most guys in my area aren't going to be out in the hottest part of the day. During the hottest months the lake is almost empty by noon. I believe the fish have been conditioned to feed around times of low pressure and traffic. I also believe the high sun and temps will make the fish more predictable. For instance the fish that move up at night to feed in the shallows will slowly be pushed out deep. I consistently find them bunched up on the deepest part of whatever structure they've been holding on. Where in times of mild temps and weather they may be scattered.
  7. Excellent rods with incredible build quality.
  8. Love getting on a good jig bite. I'm stubborn and most of the time refuse to put the jig down knowing other baits will get more bites. However I know what happens once you get the jig bite figured out. IMHO there's no other bait that produces the quality a jig will!
  9. This is pretty high on my list also. The only thing I dislike more is guys that insist on riding by at 1/4 throttle. Either get on plane or idle.
  10. You'll want the Promise 1/2 oz jigs.
  11. 7 lbs on a Strike King 6XD in natural shad. Next largest was 6 1/2 on the same bait. One in April the other in July.
  12. All my rods are Cashion and all reels are 13 ***'s. I like the fact that every combo has the same feel in my hand. From time to time I'll try a different rod or reel but never keep them for more than a few weeks.
  13. Probably one of the most frustrating scenarios in fishing when the bass are busting all around you but won't bite anything you throw. A lot of times they get so honed into those shad they won't touch anything else. My advice would be to get a good look at the bait and try to match size and color as close as possible.
  14. Checked them out today. The ones I have are still sticky sharp. Just wish the durability was better.
  15. Never had a problem with them being sharp, sticky sharp to be exact. Now durability is another story. Either something has changed or you've got a bad batch. In fact I just got a shipment in from TW earlier this week that I haven't opened and have 4 SK 1.5's in it. I'll check them out and get back with you.
  16. Pretty much everything that annoys me on the water is human related. Whether it be wake boats, jet skis, or the people lined up fishing off the only dock at the landing.
  17. I gave up on the TroKar hooks a long time ago. Just like everyone else has said they (along with any other cutting point hook) tear up the plastic way to much. It's just my experience but I feel I lose a lot more fish with the cutting points, seems they cut their way in and back out as the fish fights. If you want flipping style hooks the Owner jungle is the best I've used. Super sharp and the keeper is just right to hold the bait without tearing it up.
  18. Love the 2.5. I'll fish them equally but if the water has any stain my first choice will always be the bigger bait.
  19. I love when the water gets muddy around here. It really takes the guess work out of it for me. Big spinner baits, chartreuse square bills, and a black buzz bait fished around shallow grass works every time.
  20. I'm curious as to what rod action (not brand) you guys prefer for you c-rig's. Most guys including myself prefer a longer rod for offshore fishing, so that out of the way do you prefer a stiff flipping style rod or one with a little softer tip and more action for the off shore fishing?
  21. I also prefer the Ultra Head. I'm not a fan of the megastrike shake2. I've tested them in my pool and they always fall over. That's on a smooth pool bottom also. A ball or football head stands a better chance of standing up.
  22. That's the absolute truth. One thing I used to think was that fellow anglers and hunters were like minded "good men". However I've since learned that's not the case.
  23. Thinking about this situation a little more I'm kind of proud of myself for just leaving it alone. I have a horrible temper and when telling my wife about it she made the comment "I can't believe after that I didn't have to come get you out of jail". It saddens me that people can be this inconsiderate and talking with a few buddies yesterday we all agree this sort of behavior is increasing everywhere you go.
  24. Didn't even think about videoing it. I'm almost positive as quick as he snapped back this wasn't the first time he's done it.
  25. Well I had an unfortunate incident with an angler who showed just what class of individual we share the water with yesterday afternoon. I was fishing in one of the many creeks off the main lake and was actually all the way in the back roughly 50-60 yards from the end. I was going down the bank throwing a lipless and was only 20 or so yards off the bank with open water behind me when 2 guys came blasting in and sat down behind me. They jump up and start fishing. I really didn't care if they fished behind me but I guess they had other plans. I kept an eye on them as they got closer and closer until they were right in front of me cutting between my boat and the bank. I actually made a cast right in front of the boat and one guy turns and gives me the stink eye. I casually asked why they thought it was ok to cut another angler off. His reply with a lot of foul language was "I'm sorry but you don't own the lake". At that point I could feel my blood pressure rising so to avoid confrontation I packed my stuff up and went elsewhere. Honestly I've been cut in on before but never to this extent. Seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more frequent and I'm to the point nothing surprise's me on the lake anymore. Anything like this happen to you guys?
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