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About Bassassasin12

  • Birthday 08/29/1991

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    New York

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  1. d**n idk whats been up lately but I havent been able to get on the site in like 3 weeks. :-? :-/ .I am at my Grandpa's in Flordia right now and just wanted to check in. Has muddy been staying outta trouble? Randall keep bringing in those Varner DD's? LBH having bass come out his you know what?
  2. ehh probably shoudlnt have even made the statement... but what i was trying to say is that if I kill something, I would feel pretty terrible. Although I do eat meats so I guess the things I do eat had to be killed, so it is kind of mixed emotions. I just couldnt stand being a vegetarian :-[. but defentily if something is going to be killed... it should be eaten.
  3. that guy should thank fish chris and the other young man for giving him a memory he can always remember. That is what catch and release is all about 8-)
  4. why is it fun to kill living things? I just dont get it. Sure its fun to eat :-? but your not going to be eating these. My uncle just stops fishing if he gut hooks a bass and he gets all ticked. The idea of killing something that was living just doesnt sit well with me.
  5. LBH is COMPLETELY RIGHT!!! John's post came out all macho at first "hey looky here I killed this turtle with my 12 gauge." and he kept backing himself up from there. Why even make the post at all. Do you really think BASS fishermen are gonna care that you shot a turtle??? We are here for fishing, not the killing of turtles. Don't get me wrong I am no PETA activist or anything but the main reason that I fish is because you can let them go back to their environment. The reason I don't hunt is because there is no catch and release and I don't like the taste of venison so there is no point in it for me. I think the first turtle post should never even have been made. When I read the title I knew an argument was going to arise. It's just stupid. And John, you had to have had the idea in the back of your mind that there were going to be mixed emotions on your turtle post, so why post it? If you really feel a need to post how you killed a turtle in your pond go to google and type in "turtle extermination forums" I am sure there are others just like yourself :
  6. surprised rolan martin isn't promoting them ;D ;D ;D
  7. wow your tearing them up lbh... way to do our country proud ;D.
  8. My go to topwaters are the spro bronzeye frog, heddon tiny torpedo, and rapala skitterprop.
  9. lol lightninrod has some good proof. Most of my bass caught this year have came on a swimming senko t rigged with a 1/8 oz. bullet sinker. I swim it a little then let it drop, swim a little let it drop.... works great and I must say the swimming senko is wayyyyy more durable than the old one. I like it and I have always forked out the extra cash for Yammamoto products because they have always caught me fish and I am not one for change :-? :-/. Maybe one day I will give knockoffs a try
  10. Fishing and BBQ, god I love the fourth of July... my favorite holiday next to Christmas!
  11. 100 percent of the time I'd rather fish there than any huge, crowded and overfished lake. You got yourself a great spot there is surely a 10+ lurking in those waters
  12. lol i could tell "she" was a he but obviously lightninrod couldn't.... ;D ;D. I agree I think rocknfish could do better ;D
  13. awesome fish redline, lbh why'd you post the same pic as he did in his first post?
  14. cool so you caught two fish that would break my pb and it was not a typical day for you, not worth pics ;D ;D ;D. WTG fish chris, btw you bring along a fly rod and crawlers on all your trips???
  15. Been catching a ton of fish all over the place lately on all types of baits. Gets old throwing the senko so I have been throwing things like bronzeye frogs, craws, tubes, and almost every soft plastic I have on a spot remover. They all have been catching fish but most have came on a swim senko t rigged. I love this new bait! Anyways here are a bunch of pics of some fish caught the last couple days. One day I forgot my camera and I caught a 4.5 pounder . Nothing of real size but all good quality fish and for some strange reason these 2 pounders have been fighting HARD! :-? btw 96 degrees out and I just couldnt breath during the day so I had to go back out in the evening and the bite was on. Probablly caught over 45 fish in 3 days of fishing. heres the pics... Heres a cool pic of my home lake and the tackle I bring with my when I shore fish...
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