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JiggaMan512 last won the day on March 26 2011

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About JiggaMan512

  • Birthday 07/20/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Austin Texas
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Travis, Lake Norman, Fork, Rayburn, Toledo,

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  • About Me
    Just a dude brah

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Short Fish

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  1. oh dude, your not kidding. I've never seen that much Giant Salvinia in one place. Those lily pads are freakin' CRAZY HUGE too. I actually got my chatterbait hooked around one of those lily pad stems, on 30lb. braid, and broke off. :-/
  2. ".....while you at Kinkos, flippin copies!" I think its hilarious, and adding a non-talented "hype man" musician like T-Pain actually enhances the humor level. Like a Boss.....
  3. That was my initial guess also, but like i mentioned, NONE of the gar i have gotten up close to and examined, have ANY signs of being punctured, etc..
  4. yeah, thats what i was thinking too.. still got your receipt??
  5. Ive been trying out a spool of P-Line 12lb fluoro recently (mainly because i'm too broke to buy my fav braid)... The first 75 yards or so, i had no issues with this line at all. But after that, i've been getting really bad memory, and my noose-knots have just been slipping off the eye while making the knot taut. I would just go with the always reliable polamer knot, but i find it a pain in the @$$ to do with anything besides braid. So whats the absolute best knot for this line???
  6. Whoa! Those look freakin' deadly! Incredible job!
  7. Hmmm.. as an avid braid user, that doesn't sound normal.. (Not trying to insult your intelligence but..) Are you 100% sure that your line is actually breaking, or is it coming off at the lure? What kind of knot are you tying for braid?
  8. I mainly fish (in Tx) Lake Houston, Conroe, and Livingston, along with a ton of small golf course ponds etc... Over the past month or so, i've been seeing an alarming number of "full sized" short-nosed gar floating dead on all the above-mentioned bodies of water. Whenever possible, i examine the dead gar for signs of cause of death, but they all look intact, like a natural death. But based on the sheer numbers of these dead gar ive spotted (dead) recently, it makes me want to think that something is going on besides all these fish dying naturally at the same time.. Any thoughts??
  9. I just wanna start off by saying that this is a BEAUTIFUL body of water, and a great scenic place to have your boat on. But does anybody know the LMB record for this lake? Any other info on Sheldon is appreciated.. Ive only been once but want to go back as soon as we get some freakin' RAIN!!
  10. x2 for "Fish On"- Primus
  11. Hey Btech, i noticed that you lived in Matthews. I used to live in the apartments near Providence High School. Small World! Anyways, PLEASE listen to these guys about their advice of steering clear of bass, at least at this time, in your scenario/situation. BUT! you don't live that far at all from the new Fintastic store location. If you haven't been to the (new) Fintastic, i STRONGLY suggest to start there before you set up any kind of aquarium. They have TONS of amazing looking fish, and other aquatic life, fresh and saltwater. They will be able to give you THE BEST advice for your specific needs, etc. Here's the store info: 2135 Ayrsley Town Blvd # C Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 525-0049
  12. A friend and I are going out on Conroe (tomorrow), Tuesday the 21st , in his (small/SLOW) john boat. If you've been going out to Conroe recently, ANY advice would be HIGHLY appreciated. i.e.. lures/lure color/sweet spots/presentation/structure/average depth of (largemouth) activity (assuming you've been there recently), and any other advice would be GREAT!
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