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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Plains, MO
  • My PB
    Between 1-2 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anywhere there is fish to catch
  • Other Interests
    Deer hunting

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  1. Mine was mid October of last year it wwas about a pound and cant seem to catch another bass since.
  2. I just started bass fishing the end of last summer didnt get to go at all during the fall but thats beside the point but I see soft plastics being more versatile take a Z-Man Zinker for example you can cut it in halves and ned rig the halves drop shot it if you were desperate, t rigged, wacky rigged, and I know im missing something. And thats just rigging it.Then take a spinner bait for example which IMO the most versatile hard bait there is you can only do about 4 to 5 things with it you can crawl it a on the bottem, buzz it, slow roll it, and burn it. Just my opinion
  3. Wish I could be there rw it would be so much fun to meet you and whoever else is there I wont be there unless you can covince my mom and dad to take me
  4. Yeah he wasnt to full of himself to look me in the eye and personaly answwr my seeming stupid or extremely simple question
  5. So what fishing personality have you met in person, when was it and what was your reaction. My story I was ay the BPS spring classic sale I couple months back and knew KVD was there and planed it so we would see him. So I was looking for my freind who I was there with and was in the main isle of the fishing world part (mmy local bps is the mother ship) and im looking both ways into the isles and I get to the strike king isle and he was standing there talking to 2 or 3 guys, im was like oh look KVD walk a couple feet then realized that I just laid eyes on the man himself. I dint get that excited unless im going fishing or to bass pro, and in my head i was like OMG OMG OMG I JUST SAW KVD MY HERO!!!And no kidding got light headed and sweaty and almost fainted i was so excited. I almost ran to see and hoped I didnt knock anyone over but I might have. So I get to the isle he was in I dint think about it until right then that I was going to meet KVD, he was talking to somone and there was somone in front of me so it gave me time to get my question together, the guy that was in front of me slowly backed behind me I guess he got to nervous. Then right then he looks me straight in the eye and says "Hi bud can I help you?" Then I said "uh uh yeah w-ww-what do you think of the gizard shad colored red eye shad for clear lakes like norfork lake?" Then he goes "well thats my favorite bait bait for the fall and that color really does good in claer water and a great crank bait for the spring would be a chrome sexy shad pattern." And me and him procead to sift through all 40 some odd colors of red eye shads together to find that one. It was just a really cool experience then later I got him to sign my hat and every time pick it up I say to myself thats its really cool that KVD touched my dirty opd hat. That my story so what your guys story
  6. Where in mo r u
  7. I could totally see me and my mom have that conversation
  8. And what do say new lures catch. Ill let u guys post the answer
  9. Sniff, sniff I think I just cried inside tears from that beutiful poem
  10. Yep we go fishing to relax and enjoy out selves not pick fights with people about our decisions
  11. Yep people suck. Btw just waiting for a mod to come around
  12. I thought of even drp shotting one
  13. Good idea most of the people here r not techno geeks just fishermen and women sorry ladys rednecks (where I like to put myself) and so on
  14. Ok thanks I will ask the person that gave it to me maybe
  15. http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/ej10thomas/library/?sort=3&page=0
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