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About kbeeb374

  • Birthday August 17

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Upstate New York
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. any interest in trades?
  2. I don't trim mine and i skip them pretty far. you certainly could trim it, it would just make the weed guard a bit stiffer.
  3. I tie my own but i learned from The guy who owns omerta tackle co. He ties a jig specifically for skipping and it is perfect for it. he has a website you can order from if you are interested: https://omertatackleco.com/collections/structure-jigs/products/skipping-jig
  4. do you care what color?
  5. A lot of talk about Eagle claw and I agree with bluebasser, they are honestly great hooks but you gotta buy the right ones. they have to be lazer sharp needle point black platinum. i prefer these over both VMC and Mustad and they are in all the jigs I pour and tie as well. I bought a 100 pack of 3/0 and 4/0 Magworm EWGs from captain hooks on a whim since they were so cheap and I loved their jig hooks. I'll never go back. They are stupid sharp, crazy strong and I just grab a new one when they eventually dull instead of sharpening them since they cost so little. https://www.captainhookswarehouse.com/products/el098bp not sure where else you can get them, i bought them a couple years ago and still have about 30% left of the 3/0s and half of the 4/0s
  6. All fishing at all stores? Is there a flyer? I have 1 an hour away but wanna know if i should make the drive....
  7. are these like 30 packs or something? i don't see pack size in the description on the website..
  8. Yeah i figured that to be the case. I just really want to tie a few up and see how they fish before i commit to buying a mold. Heck even if i could buy some unpainted jig heads from either of you that would be great too.
  9. Would you be willing to loan this one for a bit? i'll pm you.
  10. I would be interested in this as well too. I am interested in that collins mold you have (flat eye flipping) although i don't have the flick shake mold.. I have: both sizes of poison tail jig mold smaller do it weedless football tear drop and pencil drop shot mold poison swing tail football swing tail tapered tube jig hilts 1/8 and 3/16 tube jig hilts split shot Flat eye arky
  11. I also fished a team tournament there (Honeoye) on 18th. just about everybody was out deep (42 boats). we tried that for about 45 minutes with 2 tiny ones to show for it.. we went dirt shallow and fished frogs around and under docks and boated a bunch of 2 pounders and lost a big one for 11-5 and a top 10 finish. 13-13 won and i am 90% sure he was shallow.
  12. Anybody got any tips on canandaigua right now? Never fished it and I have a club tourney up there Sunday.
  13. From what i have heard, state launches will remain open. I will try to find the article i read about it. https://www.oneidalakefishingreport.com/2020/04/10/state-owned-launches-remain-open/ Also from a guy in my club with some words edited "I just got off the phone with Empire State Development. They are the ones that created the “List” This list is ONLY for businesses. So a marina that has a boat launch could get fined for allowing the use of the launch. The marina can get fined, not you! The only thing that you could get a ticket for is social distancing. Boat launches ARE NOT closed. Businesses that have boat launches are required to be closed and get get fined if they are not. A public or private boat launch like the one at Waneta/Lamoka IS NOT a business, therefore it CAN be used. This doesn’t mean that some officer won’t try to give you crap, but remember , these types of launches are not businesses, so there is no “Business” for the officer to fine. Governor Cuomo clearly stated that “people can and should get out, it is healthy” If you do get stopped at a launch, don’t be a jerk and explain to the officer; -That we have talked with Empire State Development. -This launch is not a business -You are abiding by the social distancing This doesn’t mean that State launches won’t close, because they might. We would just have to find another launch. Empire State Development is processing thousands of requests for clarification, so I do not have it in writing yet. This is based only on my conversation with them directly. I have asked for a formal clarification, but it is now in the pile of a thousand other requests. I hope this helps"
  14. yeah if you have the money, you really can't beat the expride, if you want to spend less, get the zodias
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