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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. Honestly if they made one like 1” tall it would make a great spinnerbait box. 2” tall for both boxes I bet would be a pretty sweet spot for jigs. You all may find this guys options to fix it comical. Essentially putting the holders in deeper boxes.
  2. Wow those are pricey. If I start posting more on you tube I may look into that, but for me just using it to better my fishing not sure it’s ideal. I still use a hero 3+ that was gifted to me. I have also put it on the main floor of my v bottom boat while I am on the front deck, but I don’t see the lake that way, just blue sky and me casting away sometimes boating a fish. This does work for grabbing promo screen shots though without dragging out a camera.
  3. That is the 3700 just to show they don’t need to be vertical. I would hope that both are the same depth. Well just looked on TW and the 3700 is 1.88” and the 3600 is 1.6. I didn’t think the 3700 box was tall enough, that is kinda not smart. Surprised they did that knowing the weed guard would get smushed. Sorry for making an assumption out of something that should have been true. I guess I am the a.. today.
  4. I really haven't lost a lot a skirts to pike or musky. One of my baits has 10 plus pike on it with no issues. To me that stuff seems to flashy, perhaps as an accent color mixed in with silicone. I see this post now of course when I could have added some of the material to my lure parts online order to try lol. I may be overthinking the too flashy part too. I do know a lot of the double bladed musky spins use that material or something like it. You could go really old school and try bucktail.
  5. Cool thanks. So the chest mount is likely great for our vacation in the zodiac and hiking, Galapagos and trying to catch as much on film as possible, but may need to find something better for the boat. The head thing for fishing worked ok. I took a box divider and cut it at 45 degrees as a template to make sure the angle is correct. can see the lure and 1/2 the rod. So analyzing retrieves and what worked it is perfect for. Fishing wise is mostly for me to pickup on small things I am doing, I only will post it if I catch a trophy fish. Maybe I need a couple of go pros to get different views. It has been eye opening watching myself fish and picking up on things I do without thinking.
  6. My hunch is none, because the end ones could just overlap with its neighbor. The only issue is you may lift up 2 jigs instead of one. If nobody posts pictures today I will attempt to remember to check this tonight and post a picture. Found one on social media that I posted, its good for something. You can see that some are angled a fair bit. I did make sure that when I closed it none were compressed. I know that because that is the type of thing that would really grind my gears lol.
  7. For those worried about the weed guards I believe I just tilted mine 45 degrees to eliminate the issue when I used it for swim jigs. I now use it for spinnerbaits because I don’t mix well with jigs, maybe someday.
  8. I currently have the head mount and it works ok. Wondering how the chest mount would work for fishing. Interested to hear the pros and cons for both. As a secondary use for both we are doing a bucket list vacation with multiple zodiac rides and maybe some kayak trips. Also wondering which mount would be better for these two situations?
  9. So maybe a video linked into a thread with a few time windows where they will respond to questions about the technique. For example Brandon Palaniuk talking about spy baits, or KVD talking about spinnerbaits, etc. are ones I would really appreciate. We do have some with spinnerbait PHD's on here already:) Seen this on a cruise line forum I am on where the CEO of Celebrity Cruises took some time to answer some questions from people in a forum format.
  10. Alright so measured the Kaden, Premier, and the Victory. Kaden - 28 mm Premier - 27 mm Victory - 24 - 23 mm interestingly the Kaden has a little grippier cork than the premier and the premier has a slightly better feel. The victory being significantly thinner does feel better than both, see picture below, the victory is the lines and the caliper is the Kaden . I measured a couple of other rods and it seems the Victory is an outlier. Really interesting findings.
  11. Honestly I am attempting to stick to two brands to get to know their lines better. I also have my rod selection for other techniques dialed in and don’t see any rods getting bumped out. Only one on the fence is the MH Lews crush, and besides being orange it is a super versatile rod for cranks, jerks, and swim jigs. I would feel really bad about dropping that one. So I really can’t afford to miss. Gonna measure the handle diameters soon and see if it is the difference I am feeling. it is funny for spinning rods I like the larger diameter like an ugly and the smaller diameter spinning rod handles are hard on my wrist. Will be hilarious if I am the opposite with casting rods.
  12. The victory truly fishes like a MM rod. I can put full bend in it and not be able to control the fish. The Premier, also a moderate loads up well and I can control a fish with that rod. This kind of fishing in the reeds you almost need to surf them back to the boat. The Avid, Kaden, and Premier (with baits other than spinnerbaits) I can control their head motions to the point they can shake but not move laterally. The victory doesn't do this and I why I think it is overrated on the power side. In all other scenarios I fish the victory it is an incredible rod and keeps the fish buttoned. Just when I need to power them back it is a little weak. It is like using a panfish rod to control a bass it isn't happening. Not sure I am explaining myself right.
  13. The lack of industry standards with regards to action and power make it difficult to make a purchase. Wish that will never happen is that all stores had a test pond so you could actually cast before you buy. That is really the only good way to know for sure. I got to try my Kayak on the water before I bought it and that saved me from buying a yak that wouldn't turn well.
  14. What ended up happening with the victory was with the rod loaded I couldn't control the fish and they would often wrap me around a reed. The MHM Victory has a supported lure weight of 3/8-7/8 and the Premier MHM has a supported lure weight of 3/8-1, but the premier is a much stiffer rod and has a ton more backbone. My MHF Avid X is rated 3/8-1 and that does allow me to control the fish to keep them from wrapping. The Kaden is HF is rated 1/4-1and that also allows me to control the fish to keep them from wrapping. I think the problem is I expected the backbone of the victory to be like the premier, I knew the tip was slower from handling it in the shop which I do like. Maybe it is the difference in max lure weight in the St. Croix lineup and that extra 1/8 means a lot. This is also a unique situation tossing light baits in cover that a flipping stick might be better suited. The reed density varies from centimeters apart to feet apart. Maybe I just start tossing the lighter baits on the Kaden since it does that well and tossing the heavier baits on the Avid X. I just wish I knew what it is about the Kaden that I am not 100% locked in on even though I can fish it 3 plus hours straight with no issues or discomfort.
  15. I have a Kaden 714 BC that casts both 1/4 ounce and 1/2 ounce baits effortlessly, but the only downside is something about it I am not 100% comfortable with to say it is perfect. It isn't uncomfortable but its a very small something. The MHM Victory wasn't up to the task, but it was a 10/10 comfort wise, but didn't have enough backbone. So do I get a second Kaden or pick up a Vicxtory 7'3" Heavy moderate fast? I am leaning towards the Kaden since there will be no guarantee that the second victory will be as comfortable as the one I have and I also know the Kaden does everything I need it to. I do carry two rigged spinnerbait rods with the two lure weights listed above.
  16. So the irony is not lost on me with this post. I still hate the price of the Edge boxes, but here we go with my fifth edge box. The 3700 flex was as cheap as I have seen it at TW and it will work perfectly for my spinnerbait build box. Will set up a compartment for the frames and if my components and skirts fit in there like I think they will, I will make a compartment for the tools to make them. Will wrap the tools in something to keep the from damaging the box when it gets bounced around. That purple haze skirt color has been a hot one for me and smoke purple skirt material did well on a bait I made for my father in law. The other two colors are time will tell.
  17. Will be curious to hear how much backbone this has. I have the MHM 7'2" and it didn't have enough backbone for the purpose I bought it for. Love the rod though and it is always in the boat. If this has a lot of backbone I may pick one up. Purpose is spinnerbaits in dense reeds and need to control the fish so I don't get wrapped around a reed.
  18. I think it would work, but I would find the heaviest wire spinnerbait I had to make it. Definitely wouldn't try it on a War Eagle. What might be interesting on the top bait is also adding a plastic punch hub somehow to include a 2nd skirt.
  19. When I first saw this I almost had a heart attack thinking they were going out of business or something. I can’t remember not using the slider spider head for my soft plastics. I also now order direct when I need a resupply after initially getting them from Bass Pro. Best bass rig imo.
  20. Like others said work into the wind. Fishing from a 16 foot aluminum boat I feel your pain. They generally sit to high in the water, basically a billboard, coupled with being lighter just handle horribly in the wind. I always feel bad for the coangler in my boat because the boat positioning is awful. Do try a drift sock if there are not a lot of weeds, that should help to stabilize the boat some in wind and make controlling it easier. Just don't forget to unhook it before you take off. I made one out of a 5 gallon pail that does work ok.
  21. Fishing reeds and focus, even when carrying on a conversation, are what I do best. The focus I didn't realize until the father in law was shocked I didn't miss a fish on a day when it was an hour plus between bites and nerves of steel when I didn't choke when a trophy musky was following my topwater, unfortunately it got off due to undersized gear. Even when the mind wanders I am still focused on the lure and what it is doing. Now if I could just fix the sometimes accuracy issue that gets worse the longer time between bites;)
  22. Thanks I will put off the purchase to next year and bag up the plastics I want to repair. Right now I only have a handful, by next year I will have enough to make it worth it. Also sounds like its smarter to open it less often so to repair many baits at once instead of one at a time.
  23. So really I should purchase it when I have a bunch of baits to fix up and not expect it to last a year then? Wonder if plastic wrap around the bottle or the parafilm we use in the lab would help to extend the life as well?
  24. Cgolf

    Used baits

    Used baits that are in good condition get tossed in a plastic shoebox in the boat with holes drilled in the bottom to allow the water to drain out. I use slider heads so this works well. Being cheap, I don't want to waste a bait I experimented with for 15-30 minutes and got no bites on. I maybe lose 0-2 slider heads a year due to rust, and the cost there is much less if I trashed the plastics each trip. Even taking them off and putting them back on causes them not to stay as well which is another reason to leave them rigged up. Just my opinion, but I have done this for years now.
  25. With the rising costs of the Rage Menace I started to save used baits torn up at the nose and where the hook goes in at the back and will keep each color in a bag. Once I have enough I will go through and fix them all with Mend it to extend the life. My question is how long will the 1/2 ounce bottle be good for and how do you store it? I have seen some recommend the fridge, which we used to do with CA glue, and that makes some sense. I am thinking this may be a better purchase next year when I have a lot more baits set aside. I will not be doing this with all plastics, just the ones I am hesitant to repurchase no matter how well they work.
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