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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. Actually that makes it easy, the cheaper Exide has a higher reserve capacity as long as their website is correct. Since both stores are close, I can bail on menards if the website mistyped the spec. Thanks I did find the exide battery on other sites for a price that matches the interstate, so maybe menards is just passing a bulk buy price on to us which is sweet.
  2. Alright since I don't know jack about batteries, The interstates would be 250 for the 2 of them and the Exide would be 170 for the 2 of them. Would the interstates be worth 70 bucks more than the Exides? It would feel weird though to buy a boat battery from menards lol
  3. I wonder if it is because it needs to be machined, which would be difficult for a jig. Maybe for a system like the old lindy exchange jigs would work? I will try to find an article I saved, I thought that it stated that the process to make it isn't the friendliest to the environment. I believe the article was in Badger sportsman
  4. My local Walmart has the 27 DC which had a CC of 750 but they don't have any other specs for 81.67 Menards has an Exide with a CC of 550, MC of 675, RC of 182 at 25 amps 81.67 an interstate store has a 27m with a CC of 600 MC of 750 RC of 160 no idea on price yet or availability, but specs are close to my current batteries. Any thoughts on the above? thanks
  5. I am realistic that it won't as cheap and will be bigger, but I am hoping that it will be somewhere between tungsten and lead, but closer to the lead price. Like reason said, if lead free products become more mainstream it will definitely bring costs down as production goes up. Being greedy, I want tackle prices to stay low for me, but truly want them to stay low so everyone that wants to can fish. A fishing license is a bargain for what we get out of it:)
  6. First I don't want this thread to turn into an environmental debate or just telling everyone to suck it up and shell out the dough for tungsten. Seeing that some states are banning some or all lead, are started to try and figure out what would happen here. Looking at the most common replacement, tungsten, I quickly determined for most of my fishing, snaggy rivers where you lose a lot of jigs over the year, tungsten at say a minimum of about a buck a jig would get pricey quick. Folks that walleye fish rivers like the Mississippi could go through a ton of jigs in one trip. Being one with a modest fishing budget, I would definately have to change how I fish rivers if this ever went through with tungsten as the only mainstream alternative. This is got me to thinking about the bigger picture of our hobby, all the kids, and adults, that may not be as fortunate as us in life that may become priced out and don't take up fishing as a pastime if this ban took place. I would like to figure out how we could get companies to make stuff like weights, ball head jigs, shakey heads, bass jigs, spinner baits, and many others in cheaper non Lead materials. Eagle claw has started selling steel sinkers at Walmart and I have picked some up to try. While not as cheap as lead, they are still pretty reasonable. I sent an email out without a response and then figured that might not be the best way, as I am sure they get emails complaining about the use of lead. Any ideas? I think the time might be right and if some major companies got behind this and marketed it heavily, they may be able to make this work. Or maybe I am wrong and everyone will stick with lead until they are told they can no longer use it. I know I would have a difficult time giving up my slider jigs, but they would be legal some places due to the size of the hook. Cheers cgolf
  7. The batteries we are talking about at Farm and Fleet for 90 are a marine deep cycle battery.
  8. The tempting thing with the Farm and Fleet battaries is the 27s are 90, I didn't chech the specs on them, but that is a good deal.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I am going to call Costco and Walmart tomorrow and may lean towards the likely more expensive interstate, will see depending on how much more expensive. Glad to hear about the farm and fleet battery, my only experience was seeing a guy return one that wouldn't hold a charge. Here are my current Batteries. How good were they? Northern 27 EV marine crank 870 cold crank 600 reserve capacity 160 manufactured in 2010 the first 3 years I made a week trip being on the water roughly 12 hours a day using the TM 70% of the time at varying speeds without having to recharge. I want this set again lol. I never did any maintanence on them other than keeping the boat in an insulated garage over the winter. What did I miss on the maintenance end with the batteries?
  10. I need help finding decent non AGM TM batteries. I am running a 24V Terrova on a 16 ft boat. The set I have in there right now did ok on the opener, but are for sure missing some power and they definitely don’t last like they used too. They are over 6 years old though. The stores we have in our area are Walmart, Costco, Farm and Fleet, Cabela’s, Batteries Plus, and many different auto shops. I would like to keep the cost under 200 total, but could go a bit more for a better battery that will last.
  11. Really curious why you all want a magnum version? I have River fishing data that shows that the smaller crawbugs far outproduce the bigger size. I think the smaller menace would fall into that category imitating the smaller craws. Also during the bass spawn and post frontal conditions, I would think a downsized version would produce. Then again I have been trending smaller for lures in general, even for Musky and still catching bigger fish.
  12. If I could bend the rules, instead of a deep 3700 or 3700, I always use the guide series double decker 4700 box which is 3700 dimensions in length and width. 5" kalins grubs - Water Red, Bluegill, Ron's Craw BPS - Motor oil red Tubes - Smoke Purple, Smoke Purple gold, Water Red Small yum crawbugs - green pump Texas red, water orange color slider pro classic spider heads, various weights bandit 100s RESs Deep little Ns 3/16 ounce SK bleeding Shad spinnerbaits tube of scent snaps If room left DT16s Now discontinued net bait slim shakes bluegill and water candy zoom swamp crawlers water red and water candy
  13. I did this once giving some softbaits I wasn't using to someone, about 1/2 to 3/4 of a Walmart bag full, because I thought I knew everything and had no use for those baits. Now many years later when I am still learning, I think where is this bait and that bait that would work perfect for a certain presentation to only realize that I had given it away. So no I will never give any stuff away until I reach the age where I am done fishing, or physically limited to what I can actually toss due to age/health
  14. Thanks missed that, not soon enough for what I had in mind, but will be good for other applications and next year.
  15. I actually like the nose, it pairs well with a slider spider head:) Never thought of weightless, but I would probably fall asleep with that rigging which is why I don't fish senkos lol
  16. Does anyone know when this will be available? Would love to see it in TW for the Memorial Day sale.
  17. Did you check out the deal at DSG?
  18. I have also found using pony tail rubber bands to hold the trebles together allows for the baits to be pulled out very easily. Very cheap solution too.
  19. I have a bunch of those plano 4700 double decker boxes that are well over 10 years old that I use for plastics, that you can get for around 11 bucks. Plano makes a very solid product as well, which I why those boxes just don't do it for me.
  20. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/berkley-powerbait-power-nightcrawler-soft-bait-15bkyupb6pwrnghtclur/15bkyupb6pwrnghtclur?&color=Natural 4 for 10 right now, along with a 10 buck rebate, max 4 rebates. You could order 16 bags for whatever tax is after the rebate.
  21. If it is unpopular, that works out better for those of us that rely on them:) Most versatile bait on the market, mimics everything. Thanks for the tip, will have to raid my kids room to see if she has any lying around, or I will try some closed cell foam I have left over from fly tying.
  22. On the River Plastic - Yum Crawbug on a slider head Crank - Bandit 100 Lakes Plastic - Tube or 5" Kalins grub on a slider head Crank - RES, Bandit Flat Maxx and 100, and Norman Deep Little N have been my #1s for a while trying to expand that list trying more baits
  23. Tried once and hooked a snapping turtle and that was it. I have only fished swim senkos on a slider head. Generally I don't have the patience, would search for active fish instead.
  24. I would look for Anglers Coice 5" Wart Hawgs to use cut in half on a Ned Rig, not sure if your local shops carry them or not. Being skinnier and heavily salted, it gives a different profile and swimming action than my other Ned rig bait a half Zinkerz. If you haven't bought your Zman baits yet, highly recommend Zinkers over the finesse TRD. For the square bills, I have the Xcite XB 1 and really don't like it. I find myself using Bandit 100s and flat maxx, Bill Lewis Echos, and the now discontinued Xcalibur bait more often. It could be the way I fish them, because the midsize SK SBs don't produce for me either. I will say that the Bandit 100 has been my number 1 River Smallie crank for years, it tracks well and flat out catches them. Kalins 5" grubs and any old tube can be money. If your systems have an abundance of craws, the yum Crawbug is an incredible bait, it has caught more River smallies than all other soft plastic combined for me. Don't forget scent, Liquid Mayhem is my choice and comes from your side of the border.
  25. They are the real deal, but I have watched big Musky bite two off, one on the 4th cast. Being new to jerks, I struggled hooking up the bites I was getting, but that will come with practice. I am trying them on a long steel leader to see if that works this year.
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