Here is my two cents.
If this show were truly a dealer show, they should not be allowing the media, or just handle their own media through social media. The media is also their just gawking and potentially getting in the way of dealers that want to get in and make contacts with existing or new companies and place orders.
My guess if they did just that they might not get enough people to the show, so at some point they started to open it up. Have they opened it up too far, who knows, and probably depends on who you ask.
As as for the local regional shows, I have been to a couple and as some have stated, most big companies aren't there and obviously no new products aren't there, as somebody said it is like a flea market with some nice boats thrown in, a waste of time and I no longer go.
My background is the RC Plane/car world where their big show is open to the public, but they don't allow the companies to sell products directly at the show. The only buying and selling goes on in the swap meet and auction. I would guess the fishing tackle industry is bigger in number of anglers, not sure on the money part though. It could be done.
as some has said the real problem is how they market the thing and how all the new products hit the web. How do people that go not expect us bait monkey bit people not to want to go, we want to see all the new stuff too and maybe do a side trip to Disney World;)