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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. Want to 2nd this, this is how I carry a couple of sticks in my truck all summer, super easy and don't need to buy anything.
  2. Sounds like we won't have to wait too long. Sounds like they will be on TW for sure by Black Friday when I get to order my Christmas gifts, probably sooner.
  3. I have given up on caring about durability, because I made the mistake of inventorying my soft plastics and relized that I now see low durability as a plus instead of a minus;) On a serious note though I have found salted baits to work better at times, perhaps because the tail doesn't try to float up on a slow retrieve? I use both types of baits. The Zman kick butt on rivers for me because that floating bit seems to limit the jig stealing rock snags I had gotten used too.
  4. I would give them a pass since Zoom borrowed their colors. I remember seeing roboworms comments when the Zoom brought those colors out. But your right Zman I believe does aggressively go after companies that get near their patents and probably trademarks. Seems silly though to trademark catch phrases and would guess it would only apply in regards to fishing lures. Would think we could still say something like Aaron Rodgers was the real deal before this weekend without running afoul of Zman. Obvious sad Packer fan here.
  5. Depends on the lake/river. 90% of the waters I fish no it doesn't, but the clear water lake that we vacation on it sure does. Saying that on the river certain colors like pearl or black/blue do produce better than other colors.
  6. I actually have tried them and not done as well as the Zinkerz. One that has worked for me is an anglers choice wart hawg that is heavily salted and a bit smaller in diameter. I wonder though if it has more to do with the difference between how a salted bait and a floating bait like Zman swims or if I do pause it, sinks? Plus lets be real here, a new bait for us tackle junkies to try;)
  7. This should mean that they will have a great action. I would guess durability depends how much salt they put in them. For the way I fish the rig no salt would be benificial and it might hold up a touch better too. Didnt see a response about salt content on their fb post, a lot asked about it.
  8. Most I catch is ten before I snag up. River fishing their colors are more about catching me lol, but on some clear water lakes it could be interesting. Also curious to see the profile, i have been favoring stickbaits that have a smaller diameter than a Senko or Zinkerz lately.
  9. B.A.M, and it switches between FLW and Bassmaster, both have good and bad months. In fisherman has gone downhill for me, but I still love to read the Up North with Doc section and buy their species specific magazines. Do miss fishing facts, but the last couple of years were tough reads. Bassin and Crappie used to be great magazines before they were sold, probably my favorites until I fonund B.A.M. The only issue with B.A.M. is that it is sometimes like reading a novel, but at the same time I appreciate the detail that they put into their articles.
  10. Just saw these on Roboworms FB page. Not necessarily a game changer, but there color options would be welcome. Zmans colors are ok, but robos are much better. Any one hear when these will hits places like TW? None of my local stores carry a large selection of roboworm products. DSG only has 3 or 4 colors of their standard worms. If these aren't released till next year it will really test my goal of not buying tackle next year;)
  11. Is that the bait with the funky blade? Never bought one but heard later that they were fish catchers.
  12. I've got 2. The first was a Pradco swimming image I gave to a kid that didn't have a lot of tackle that I snagged 6 months later. Never saw him again so I still have that one. The second was a Bandit 100 that I broke off while river fishing. I later, 30ish minutes, moved to fish downstream and saw something swirling around in an eddy. It was my Bandit, I waded in and saved it. I ended up retiring it as a lucky lure. Also have found that some cranks just snag and others don't, so I figured it would've been just lost again had I used it.
  13. How are the cast controls? Difficult to backlash? I fish a lot of wind so this is a selling point for me.
  14. I totally understand that it is difficult to be a mod and review products honestly and I appreciate the site an the work you guys do and at one point had a discussion about this with Glenn. I do suggest that you reread what you quoted from me, I didn't say that I dismiss your opinions, I just rank an unsponsored opinion higher. I used to be involved in a hobby at a high level and dealt with sponsored guys all the time that would say brand a is the best one day and brand b is garbage, until of course they were sponsored by brand b;) I can comment more about this on a pm, but trust me I appreciate what you guys do. "Reading this and other reviews on brands like these site sponsors I will continue to stick with known brands until these other brands become proven. With brands like shakesphere, Daiwa, etc I know they will stand behind their product. Daiwa has bail spring issues with their regals new and old, but they get free replacements out to me super fast. Also I guess in Kast Kings case, if they are ordering the reels from the same source as some other discount brands, then you just try to find the cheapest one and go with them. I guess for me the comfort of buying a brand with a proven track record is worth the extra money." This is what I wrote above, I never said their service was bad, just that I knew Daiwa's in particular because I had to use it, so you are right, I didn't know about their service so I didn't say anything about it. I also never called them cheap, but said if there are many that use the same oem house you may be able to find the same real cheaper under a different brand name with some research, maybe not. What is wrong with someone sticking to certain brands because of brand loyalty, and as I stated this was a new brand to me 8 months ago. If you want you can pm me, if not I am not sure how much more I will stick around, this is frustration I don't need when I am home sick from work lol. I really don't feel I bad mouthed the product in any way, I just stated that I the time I bought and even now I may stick with brands I know and trying to explain it apparently dug a deeper hole, hence why I never argue with my wife anymore;).
  15. You guys are killing me, read one of my latest replies, 8 months ago was the first I had ever heard of them and the reviews I read were mixed at the time. We own a 2008 v6 Tuscon with 20k, kids car I like, and my wife has a 2013 Tuscon with a 4 which is kind of slow;) apperently one one of my posts got lost in Internet land. Sorry my comments ruffled some feathers, surprised me because I didn't bad mouth the product at all. My take is there are other bassers out there that don't research product like we all do, or even go on a bass fishing forum. As I said 8 months ago the reviews were mixed and to me it was a brand I had never heard of. When reading the boards I do value general posters reviews over the reviews of mods for the most part, when a site sponsors product is being discussed. If I were to order today I likely would try one out. peace
  16. I don't doubt this, and I know Glenn stands behind his sponsors. There is going to be a bunch of budget bassers that will pass on brands like these until they become more established or heck are available on sites like TW. I had an oppurtunity to buy a Kastking reel last year with an Amazon gift card and ended up with a Daiwa Laguna because I liked one we had picked up for my father in law. It doesn't mean they are bad products, just that not a lot is known about them. You tube reviews and comparisons to other reels were mixed. Heck real world example, we now own two Hyundais, but bought them recently once they were well established, would not have bought them early on. I just want to know about the brand I am buying, and reading reviews on Amazon isn't the best way to do that.
  17. Reading this and other reviews on brands like these site sponsors I will continue to stick with known brands until these other brands become proven. With brands like shakesphere, Daiwa, etc I know they will stand behind their product. Daiwa has bail spring issues with their regals new and old, but they get free replacements out to me super fast. Also I guess in Kast Kings case, if they are ordering the reels from the same source as some other discount brands, then you just try to find the cheapest one and go with them. I guess for me the comfort of buying a brand with a proven track record is worth the extra money.
  18. I won a pair of nines and so far like them, very comfortable. The only bummer is I haven't had them in a situation where I could really tell you how much better they are. The water I fish has 3-6" visibility. Next year though I will be fishing some clear water again where I can compare them but don't expect that to help you out much;)
  19. Can't directly speak to the smaller rippin rap, but for me the 1/2 RES far out produced the 1/2 rippin rap. The rippin rap seemed to work for short Windows where the RES was more consistent. The 1/4 RES worked so well for me on vacation that I never thought to try the smaller rippin rap, but would expect results similar to what I saw with the 1/2 baits. Generally fish the 1/2 baits in 4-8 fow around reeds on lakes and 2-4 fow on the river. Those are the two brands I have fished most, traps and Xcals haven't done much for me.
  20. Bluegill As far as WI waters you can't go wrong with Firetiger even in gin clear waters. It has a little perch and bluegill colors in it. If I had to go with only one crank color that would be it.
  21. I think it really varies by lake, and I have one clear water lake that the bass are really sensitive to soft plastic color. Overcast any wind or bright with a chop - Water red and water candy have been my go to baits. Bright and calm - smoke purple or smoke red. My guess is the main forage is gills and in the overcast or choppy conditions there isn't much light and the gills look more greenish. When the sun penetrates the surface and brightens things up the gills will look more silverish. With those two options it is an either or situation. I have found two colors that so far have worked everywhere, Kalins Ron's Craw and Motor Oil red.
  22. Now that is only if you use a "TRD" or dare I say "Big TRD";) I prefer a Zinzerz or different brand altogether:)
  23. Some on here and rightfully so are very protective of Ned's technique and setup.Trust me I have been corrected a few times when I went astray or tried to use a fly I tied as a Ned rig. So to honor both the traditionalists and the rest of us that fall somewhere in between having that thread up there may make it easier for all of us. I fall into the Ned category most of the time but do dabble a fair amount in the almost Ned category depending on the situation.
  24. I am still trying in most cases. Right now I am down to using 1/16 minnow heads with a #2 hook because I am almost out of mushroom head jigs. If we can't get my next order from gopher, not sure where I am going to get a jig with a #4 or #2 hook, most Ned heads are on a #1 hook now. You guys that pour your own should start selling them. I vaguely remember reading that thread and that is what I am talking about that should be pinned. I will risk the wrath of the mods by saying that I was bummed that the Ned thread was unpinned.
  25. I do customize it as well to the situation, but I know some of those changes move it to something else, shakey head or jig worm. The thing I am looking for to educate others and me on some of the more subtle points, is where is that line. The is it a Ned rig or not discussions can get interesting on here;) For the most part I have given up calling what I fish anything specific, just a jig and small plastic is what I toss a lot now. Do do have someone trying to get a gopher tackle order of 3/32 and 1/16 heads in for me with #2 hooks. Hoping he has better luck than others have had. Most mushroom head jigs on the market now are a #1 hook or bigger. I have read enough bad about the Zman heads that keep me away from them, and the cost is high knowing I will lose a lot of them on the river. I think it works, because they couple the jig with like three or so specific retrieves. So maybe the Ned system?
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