I totally understand that it is difficult to be a mod and review products honestly and I appreciate the site an the work you guys do and at one point had a discussion about this with Glenn. I do suggest that you reread what you quoted from me, I didn't say that I dismiss your opinions, I just rank an unsponsored opinion higher. I used to be involved in a hobby at a high level and dealt with sponsored guys all the time that would say brand a is the best one day and brand b is garbage, until of course they were sponsored by brand b;) I can comment more about this on a pm, but trust me I appreciate what you guys do.
"Reading this and other reviews on brands like these site sponsors I will continue to stick with known brands until these other brands become proven. With brands like shakesphere, Daiwa, etc I know they will stand behind their product. Daiwa has bail spring issues with their regals new and old, but they get free replacements out to me super fast.
Also I guess in Kast Kings case, if they are ordering the reels from the same source as some other discount brands, then you just try to find the cheapest one and go with them. I guess for me the comfort of buying a brand with a proven track record is worth the extra money."
This is what I wrote above, I never said their service was bad, just that I knew Daiwa's in particular because I had to use it, so you are right, I didn't know about their service so I didn't say anything about it. I also never called them cheap, but said if there are many that use the same oem house you may be able to find the same real cheaper under a different brand name with some research, maybe not. What is wrong with someone sticking to certain brands because of brand loyalty, and as I stated this was a new brand to me 8 months ago.
If you want you can pm me, if not I am not sure how much more I will stick around, this is frustration I don't need when I am home sick from work lol. I really don't feel I bad mouthed the product in any way, I just stated that I the time I bought and even now I may stick with brands I know and trying to explain it apparently dug a deeper hole, hence why I never argue with my wife anymore;).