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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. Is this the video? http://www.cabelas.com/product/Stoney-Wolf-Advanced-Finesse-Bass-Strategies-DVD/1161154.uts?slotId=22
  2. Do you guys know if the DVD is still available? I do have the KVD spinnerbait one and agree it is really good. Kind of liked the worming with Woo Daves DVD too.
  3. The Menace grub has been money for me, especially this past summer. Fish it on a standard bass jig and on a slider head. While I really appreciate the packaging that keeps the baits from getting a funky bend, I still only buy them on sale and stock up then.
  4. Just don't suggest doing it around a walleye fishing crowd, they wouldn't understand it;)
  5. -Bandit 100s for shallow water, smallies love them and largemouth eat them too -2nd the Red Eye shad, been my # lipless bait the last couple of years -For Deep divers Rapala DT series and Norman Deep little Ns and DD22s -Shad rap can be an excellent cooler water bait as well. I generally fish the smaller sizes. -Luhr Jenson Speed Trap, awesome bait for shallow water
  6. Swim Jigs I toss a 5" Kalins single tail grub and on others either a Rage Menace or Paca Craw
  7. Ike has had some bonehead moments to be sure, but watching some of these guys lately, they get more excited over a 2lb bass than I did over a 45" Musky lol. I honestly just think it is a case that some guys are wired to be hyper competitive and like them or not there antics are part of the deal for some of them, take that away and they would lose their edge. Then you have guys like Rick Clunn that seem very mellow, not sure how he was when he was dominant. Thanks for for the Don Iovino book reference. Had discounted it because of the only review I saw. Did find an old post of yours that talked about it too, it will be added to the list. Want to up my finesse game this year because the time of year we fish a clear water vacation lake, it sees multiple fronts in a week and the fish are usually skittish.
  8. Ike unfortunately is a polarizing figure to many. I happened to catch an instagram live feed of him talking fishing with some guys at icast, and he was great, related to them and just seemed like a great down to earth guy. Have also heard from fans who have waited to talk with him after a weigh in and get an autograph that he is very generous with his time when it comes to the fans. He also know a bit about fishing too:)
  9. Thanks, all for the opinions, I will be including it in my order
  10. Anyone read it and have an opinion? This is one option for me or more fishing tackle in place of the book as a Christmas gift. Trying to figure out which would help me out more lol.
  11. At the same time though production costs have gone down with automation. You can make more consistent baits now very cheaply.
  12. That looks perfect. Have a lake smoke red tube crush it, thinking a craw bait would too.
  13. Does anyone know of a company that makes either a smoke red craw or double tail grub? I could do an order from swing oil, but was looking for a main line brand available in stores. Checked TW and couldn't find one.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1854336981273368&id=272534349453647 This should answer some questions
  15. Not pointless at all. The rig I explained has come through millfoil clean while a ball headed jig would have brought 10 pounds of weeds. I do use slider heads a lot and also use thicker bodied plastics, tubes, menaces, grubs, etc. It is rare that I use finesse worms. Maybe the bigger plastics help keep the weeds off? This has also worked well with gambler ugly otters too.
  16. Not like a jighead, but up tight to the body. With the exception of the gnarliest weeds, this doesn't give me many issues. Essentially the barb of the hook is indenting the plastic and the hookpoint rests on the plastic.
  17. Honestly neither. While sometimes I get hung up and have to pull weeds of the hook it isn't too much of a bother. If it was really an issue I guess I would rig it so A would work.
  18. I think for some of us, there is no perfect glove. I must have poor circulation in my hands because they get cold with anything other than mittens. To fish I just use the fingerless gloves and have to use the hand warmers every 10 minutes or so to get feeling back in my hands. I did try a pair of nitrile gloves under the fingerless gloves this morning with a wind chill of 18 and temp of 28 and got cold hands in 10 minutes. What I need is thin heated gloves like the socks they make.
  19. I definitely think there was a time period though where the likes of Rapala and others raised their prices or the shops raised their prices on them, once they realized people would pay that price. I couldn't tell you the year and haven't saved catalogs, but it was noticeable. I still have a hard time justifying the cost of Rage plastics, but will by them when sites have their 15-20% off sales. There are still some awesome cheaper baits out there, we just have to look harder (RES and Bandit 100 come to mind as fish catchers). I am trying the Dou Spybait next year after the Arishi spin worked really well for me. Wanted to see if there was a difference between the two. Fully expect the Dou to fill the boat with twice as many fish for the cost;).
  20. Yes lures are overpriced and I remember when it started. I remember pre Lucky a Craft baits when a Rapala and other baits went for a reasonable price. Then when boom a group of better off than the average joe started buying these lures up like candy, Rapala and other companies raised their prices to cash in. As as a mid to lower budget basser this was a tough pill to swallow. I have worked around it by shopping sales like the TW Black Friday sale, but that isn't an option for some people, especially kids. There are certain baits I really like, but will only buy if they are on sale.
  21. For square bills, the good old Bandit 100 really whacks them. Over the years this bait has caught a ton of smallies for me and I have also done really well using it for largemouth on lakes. The interesting thing is the fish don't appear to become conditioned to it, so it must have a little something something to its wiggle that sounds natural. For lipless the RES has been hands down the best I have thrown. It works in many different conditions. Others may whack them at certain times, but they don't come close to the consistency of the RES.
  22. Here are some I have used and liked. Yum tube, not the vibra King tube on TW, strike king flipping tube, Strike King 3.5" coffee tube, Bass Pro tender tubes, and Swing Oil J tube just about covers it for me, unless you can find the discontinued Trigger X tube which was very solid for me. For me a tube is pretty generic and I might change up the length depending on the bite, but have never put a lot of thought into the diameter of the tube. As as far as durability, swing oil probably the best, but you can expect multiple fish on pretty much any tube, even the tender tubes which are very soft. Just make sure sure to get a variety of colors. A tube can imitate it all, from craws to baitfish depending on how you fish em.
  23. Grubs, to me the 2nd most versatile bait next to a tube. For me Kalins 5" grub is the #1 grub out there. It is very tough and will hold up to many fish and can be fished on a ballhead jig, swim jig, slider head, texas rigged, sure there is more. Next to being tough as nails, the tail has the best action at slow speeds of any grubs I have fished and I have tried quite a few. They have great colors, Ron's Craw is one in particular that has worked in clear and muddy water. Grubs also catch big bass and even got my PB Musky on one. The grub is a bait a lot have forgotten about or isn't sexy enough, but man do they catch em.
  24. I have only used the homemade version, in the time I used it, it seemed like they were hitting the paddle tail and never getting to the hooks. Had 15 hits and only managed 1 pike on it. Not sure how to get around that issue, maybe using it some more would help me figure it out. For what it's worth I got most of my hits fishing it like a plopper.
  25. I am not a fan of the TRD, for me they are no where's near as durable as a 1/2 Zinker or have the action. The TRDs seem to tear up near where hook comes out. I will use up the TRDs I have, but stick to the Zinkerz in the future. I have started to like other baits for Ned rigging, and I don't have to worry about keeping a second box for elaztech baits. I am really excited about these baits, giving me a third Ned rig option.
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