So I guess I will answer it this way. Of the places I have ordered from over the last 10 years TW had the best selection and the best price (sounds like a jingle). I have heard others recently complain about some of their prices going up lately, but hadn’t noticed it.
Maybe the Rage thing is being driven by Strike King and not TW, who knows. If that is the case Rage plastics are out for me.
As to the Price match thing, since I would order on Black Friday, not sure they would apply the price match and then the 20 percent and hopefully the extra percent off like the last two years, I could be wrong. And yes it is a pain to try and do an order online and have them price match stuff, can take quite a while depending on how many items it impacts.
If they keep the Menace at 5.29 and stack a 20 and 15 percent discount on it I would be crazy to pass it up.
I guess the frustration is centered around Rage prices, and the dramatic increase. I had a FB discussion with someone from Rage tail and I got the impression they didn’t expect it.
So I probably overreacted and maybe blamed the wrong place lol, but am frustrated seeing a 25 percent price jump in a brand I have come to like over the last 2 years. I will just shop around more like others do, I probably relied on one store too much anyways.