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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. That's good to here. I have the 3600 size, 3500 size, Magnum, and straight insane that I gave up on and bought the magnum because you needed a forklift to lift it into a trailered boat;) Best tackle bags I have ever owned.
  2. The only terminal tackle orders I get excited about are when I order a new batch of slider heads every 2-3 years when I run low. They are such a crucial part of how I fish that I look forward to that order. Hooks and split rings, just doesn't do it for me yet lol. Looking for some X raps I am missing I am finding a lot of husky jerks that I bought as a novice not knowing what they really were. It is amazing the baits we buy when we don't have a clue. Now that I do they will get some usage. What is interesting is the KVD hooks are way cheaper per hook than TW, but the other hook I like the Gamakatsu EWG trebles are a lot more per hook. Just need to price shop it looks like. Thanks for the link, this will save me a bundle and verifying it is a legit site which is always helpful nowadays too:) Shipping is a little rough though, but still comes out cheaper even with Black Friday pricing on the KVD's at TW.
  3. So will this be like the Microsoft progress bar that says your update is 100% complete, yet you have to wait forever for it to actually complete;)
  4. Are these the similar to the 1x strong 2x short KVDs? If so if you can pass on the model that would be awesome.
  5. I guess all I need to do is look at all the cranks and plastics I thought I had to have and have either failed me or I have failed them by not using them, to tell me that I am not in need of more stuff I likely won't use much. I am either in need of an order of boring order or gasp cutting back. Only thing that might be a must is the Tungsten morel like jigs and the weedless version from Siebert. Maybe it's the virus getting me down or just realizing I don't need as much stuff to catch a fish as I have. This is like the anti mid life crisis!Maybe if I can just stick to the boring and restocks I might be ok. The only catch is expanding my jerkbait collection, but only a few more to try since I am starting to finally understand how to fish them and have had some bone crushing hits on them.
  6. So I am putting together my Christmas order for later this year and I now have some more spare KVD trebles that AJay recommends highly for most baits and while I bought some on the 25 days sale last year, I almost always take terminal tackle off my order in favor of a flashy new bait. How do I help myself out and keep the boring but needed stuff on my order and not give in to the bait monkey?
  7. I lean heavily on the 1/4 ounce and use it for most baits including the baby menace. The only other weight I use is the 3/16.
  8. For me I take some of those sayings Ike has, fish the moment and never give up, plus a couple of my own to heart. I am not afraid to go against conventional wisdom and generally never give up. I fish a local river for roughly 20 minutes on the way to work sometimes, and there have been many times that on my literal last cast I have gotten the only hit and fish of the day. It also has to do with focus on a tough bite. While yes my mind wanders time to time during a tough bite, I fight through it to find a way to stay focused so I don't miss what may be the only hit of the hour. Bass fishing can be tough some days and we just need to be mentally tougher.
  9. I still subscribe to BAM, Infish, and Bassmaster. For some reason I still get the FLW magazine, not complaining. To tell you how tied to print magazines I am, I also somehow got the digital subscription to BAM and the only time I used it was to get early access to an article I had a personal tie to. Other than that I have maybe downloaded one issue. I just can't read it on my iPad no matter how much I try. Also hard to clip an article, diagram of structure or a technique, or a picture of a lure I want out of the iPad version. Bassmaster has seemed to go downhill article wise in the last refresh, maybe a year and a half ago. Not as many good articles as before. For my money Infish and BAM are the best. Sitll like the North with Doc series in Infish.
  10. I use the modied alberto. Like 7 wraps up and back and then 4 to 5 wraps around the braid within the loop. A little bulky but has never failed me. FG knot, sometimes even when it pulled tight properly it failed for me on the water. Also don't need 5 arms to tie the modified alberto;) Found the video and they call it the improved albright. So many names for similar or the same not. Founf
  11. So I thought about your comment a bit, and I will throw this out and see what you think. The only hooks I have had to throw out are some original light wire slider heads and maybe some cheaper Ned heads, fireball jigs, or standard ball heads. Regular bass jigs or pro slider heads I have never had rust. I mostly use Santone, so could be they use a good hook. Here is the part to think about. My most popular bait, menace, at regular price is roughly 66 cents a bait. Say I save ten of those by not taking them off because the fish don't want them that day I save over 6 bucks. Since I have changed to the pro sliders I only toss one or two hooks/jigs away a season because I am either using jigheads or old sliders I have left. I have started to unrig some baits depending on the head at the end of the season and rerig them the next year so they don't rust over the winter. The only reason I switched from the light wire sliders is because I straightened one out on a huge bedding bass, not rust. If you truly are pitching the plastics that are still usable, the cost on those adds up as well, likely more than a jig or two. I am not saying either way is right or wrong, I think both methods can work. I think the key for me is the open box which allows them to dry. There are also holes drilled in the bottom that you can't see so that water drains out and doesn't sit in the bin. Without the holes I would have a big mess. I never box up a rigged wet bait in a plano box.
  12. I have had great luck at times with them of course on a slider head during a tough bite. I would let them sink, and when I started to retrieve the bait the fish was either there or hit right away. I did test them on the back of a swim jig and they put out the most thump of baits I tested. Like many baits I haven't thrown them in years even though I have done really well with them. The only thing I hated was the cost, so I bought them on sale and have a deep 3700 box half full still of like 5 different colors. Probably should throw them again because they are great baits.
  13. It is just weird with WI lake largies, the mouths start getting huge around 17-18" fish. Not sure how to explain it, this ones mouth just hasn't caught up to the body. I will take it and as usual river fish put up one heck of a fight compared to the flat water fish. Could just have been on a feeding binge and widened out a bit making it look a little goofy.
  14. That makes sense. I have caught a few smallies like that too from the same river. Doesn’t seem to hurt them as one of the smallies went 20 inches. That would definitely explain why the mouth looked so small. Wonder if it is genetic, from a contamination, or just from pulling too many craws from the rocks. The whole catch was weird. I had hooked and lost this fish last week. Fishing from shore there is a slanted rock that I normally bring them to, to grab them easier putting me inches from the water. For some reason I beached the fish in less than an inch of water and when I went to lift it up the high side of the rock the bait popped out of its mouth. Looked at it for a second and it didn’t flop away so I quickly set the tackle bag down, laid down on the rock and reached down and lipped it. Would have been a shame not to get a picture. This is my personal best river largie.
  15. Hey all, question for you on this bass. This thing was an absolute tank from a small river. While 18" long I have never seen a largie bigger than 16" on this river. The question is, is it really a largie or a cross. For an 18" the mouth was surprisingly small for the size of the fish. It could be I am used to catching thinner lake fish, but the mouth seemed out of proportion to the body. Being a solid smallie river the chances of a cross are there. I am 98% sure a largie, but it was like the first time I caught a warmouth, my brain was trying to process what is wrong with the size of this fishes mouth.
  16. They are on the slider site, or is it a different version you are looking for?
  17. I have witnessed my father in law go fishless with no scent for any hour while I caught 5 or 6 fish with scent. Got him to put scent on and started getting hits and landed a fish in 5 minutes. Doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. I use Liquid Mayhem, but any gel scent like Megastrike or Atlas Mike's will also work. The funny thing is some folks will swear the stuff is garbage and makes no difference, but these same folks will run out to buy that new Berkley flat worm which sounds like is loaded with scent;) Just don't try it on a good bite, it will seem no different then, try it on a tough day when you know where the fish are but can't get them to bite. That will show you the true power of scent products.
  18. I mostly fish them on a spinning rod, but have thrown the 1/4 oz on a medium action baitcaster as well. I generally fish the 1/4 ounce or 3/16 ounce. I fish them the same as I would any texes rigged bait. Just wish slider made a 1/2 ounce version of the pro spider head. I have used a doulock snap for years for both cranks and the slider heads and I don't believe the snap has ever failed. I have had a Norman speed clip fail once so I no longer use those. Snap size, I have no idea, but lean towards the smaller sizes because they accomplish the fall and action I want out of my cranks and plastics, but with not a lot of bulk. I used to use the Cabela's branded models, but those don't appear to be available anymore, but would guess the Bass Pro ones are the same. Some folks shy away from snaps, but if they have cost me fish, it can't be many. I have been using a Flouro leader, mostly due to peer pressure on social media, not convinced it gets me more bites though. The abrasion resistance might have helped me some in some situations so I keep using it for now.
  19. Hasn't happened, like colors together, so bleeding hasn't been an issue. Like I said has worked well for me for years with minimal issues. Not for everyone though.
  20. Never had much issues with rust except on nickel hooks. Some baits in that box have been in there for 4 years with no rust. I do check them every so often. Works for me understand not for everyone.
  21. I will answer the three of you at once. Since I use slider heads I have a couple of pre-rig boxes like those in the picture In the boat at all times. I am thrifty and refuse to pull off a perfectly good bait and toss it out that has caught one fish that is capable of catching 10-20 fish. To me that is a waste of money especially when fishing higher priced baits like a menace or Arsenal assault bug. I have also been known to rig up some baits before a quick trip to my local lake in these boxes and not even take a tackle bag. This system has worked for me for many years and I see no reason to change. So some of us just have different tackle management systems than others. This is why Zman doesn’t work in my boat.
  22. One last effort, nobody has any info on this one yet? If they suspend I may pick up a handful. never mind a floater so not worth the money.
  23. If I could get myself to kill a fish I would try the pickled pike. I have heard it is very tasty. Unfortunately I have gone soft and can't bring myself to filet a fish. I will catch and keep them and have someone else filet it out and eat it, I just can't do it anymore. Maybe that is the route I go with Pike.
  24. Seen these and since I am a huge fan of bandit baits this looked intriguing with the jerkbait name. The question is does it suspend or float. Reading the description on TW and on the lurenet site, it doesn't specify. Anyone gotten a chance to use it yet or hear if it is a suspender or floater?
  25. I personally refuse to pay for info on the internet. If you tube became a pay for use site for example, bye bye. For me I use the site for the tackle forum, and occasionally the rod and reel and this forum, I wouldn't pay for that. I like the site and the posters on here, just not enough to pay. I am curious what is happening, but thanks to roadwarrior I guess I don't need to check back to September lol.
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