This,^^. Bass fishing is unlike most other hobbies, the silly fish have enough of a brain to screw us over. Being that each body of water will be different depending on unknowable factors, like pressure, and which baits have been thrown so much on that body of water that the bass won't hit them, but on the body of water next to it, the fish prefer the same bait. Fishing is one of those hobbies that takes minutes to learn and a lifetime to become proficient at.
I never served, my dad did, and thanks to all that are serving and have served, but I can relate to the hating failure. Growing up I learned to learn from my failures and dismiss my successes, not sure how much this was my parents pushing and how much is how I was wired. I still haven't learned to enjoy success, because I always look for failure. I guess on some levels in my time I have learned to accept it on some levels to keep me on the straight and narrow and not angry all the time, but I do wake up angry a lot, but it keeps the blood pumping. I think some of us are just wired this way, because when I explain it to my wife or coworkers they just don't understand it at all.