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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. What I use in a larger closet are wire shelves with a high load capacity for tackle. It is surprising how much plastics weigh. For rods I have a vertical spinny rod holder, but it wouldn't work with reels on most of the rods, a couple is ok. I use the 5 drawer desk high rubbermaid type drawer things for stuff like reels and smaller items that can't sit out on a shelf. The wire shelves are like what would be used in a pantry. Bookshelves las only so long before the weight warps the boards.
  2. Yup, that was the only bait I have used with it. I was a little locked into the menace at that point in time because it was working well for me. It worked just fine.
  3. My thoughts are I can get some replacement trebles cheap, but if I like them they are never to be seen again. If they stink I am out only 5 bucks. Just need to get above free shipping to use up my 55 buck gift card. The bait I was looking at is discontinued too, so if I like it I have one lol. Just wish they had the eagle claw ned heads in stock, would have gotten them instead.
  4. Looking to pick up 5 packs of these at the TW 25 days sale or a jerkbait to get my order to the free shipping level. I have read varied opinions on these hooks and at the price wonder if they are worth a shot to replace some thrashed trebles?
  5. I have used the swing head and found it to be a good change up from my slider heads fishing along bottom. I think these are more of a finesse offering because the swing design allows the bait to be a little more stable as the head is being dragged along bottom bumping off of things. Where as the slider if the head bumps something the bait is moved due to that bump. Both have been good tools for me, but I find I don't use the swing heads as much as I should, perhaps I have a slider addiction.
  6. Actually they are more humane, especially with fish like pike and trout that have a heavy slime coat protecting them. Trout are so slippery you need to hold them much too hard for my liking. As long as we hold them correctly, vertical, or support their bellies if holding horizontal, it is the same risk for injury as holding by hand. Actually could be less risk because if a fish thrashes, fish gripper has less chance of dropping the fish. The grippers I use hold them tight enough that they don't drop, but they don't lock them down when they thrash either. I have the rapala grip on my scale, but have yet to use it. I am a bit hesitant because that one really locks them down. Unfortunately too many pros do a disservice by how they hold bass after a catch and it is caught on coverage, many of them are guilty of this. Wish the tourney circuits would crack down on this and penalize them for it, and allow nets. Back to the slime coat, I have definitely seen pike with infections where there slime coat was rubbed off and it looked to be to human handling. I do everything possible to protect the resource and have caught a few fish with specific markings a few times over a many year span, so I know I am doing something right.
  7. deleted frustration getting to me over what was a simple question, sorry if it bothered anyone. No worse than other things on here.
  8. Love TW, but they need to find a way to speed up gift cards. I know they have really weird rules with shipping stuff, like I can’t pay on my card and ship to a different address, but you would think an e gift card would be a slam dunk. Maybe they got scammed in the past, but curious why the long time window.
  9. Hopefully later today or tomorrow. They invoiced it today, so there is hope. Had to wait till 2021 to ask the wife for the gift card because of a deal I made to get some Dobyns rods last year. Thankfully so far the 25 days items I am looking at aren’t that popular, hope it stays that way.
  10. Curious for those that bought the electronic gift card from TW, how log did it take to get it? Ordered mine Friday the 1st and still haven’t got it. Shipping delays I understand, but electronic gift cards you would think would pretty much be automated.
  11. When I hear shore and rivers I think bandit 100. Fishing for river smallies the bandit 100 and yum crawbug both have far out produced other baits by minimally 20 to 1. I haven’t used it from shore on lakes but have caught largies from the boat so expect it would work there too. Only thing is watch for sales and pick up 2 or 3. River snags will eat a bait or two. I am embarrassed at my backstock of bandits.
  12. One argument against snaps that has always cracked me up is they give off a bit of flash, well what does a hook do? What I said about multiple line connections is true, as many try to limit them over concerns they will fail. Why my reaction is strong with snaps is I fish a lot of vertical cover and on spinning gear with plastics you get a more vertical drop with snaps. It’s for the same reason they are used on cranks, they allow the bait more freedom of movement.
  13. If there is a split ring I attach the snap to it. Don’t care about some Randy dude, because I trust my duo lock snaps with a uni knot more than a loop knot (rapala knot) and no snap. Oh wait I use braid so yup snaps only option. In 20 plus years only a Norman speed clip has failed me and those are such a pain with wet hands I just quit using them. I think some folks over think the number of connection points in a system fearing failure. Only one that has failed me is the FG knot and I found a better knot for me not long after that failure. Please send them all to me, I am running low;)
  14. I use the menace bluegill, arsenal assualt bug bluegill flash and kalins grubs in bluegill a lot and have good success. Bluegills colors vary widely. I have seen some that are very grey with blue and purple accents to the very greenish/yellow pumpkinseeds swimming in the same group. In these waters the above bluegill colors and smoke purples work well. One other thing too, blugills in low light look a lot different than in the sun. Without the sun they can look greenish and with the sun they can look as I described above. I regularly switch between water red or hard candy and the colors I first listed depending on light penetration in the water. Sorry for the deep dive on my clear water color selection.
  15. Was kind of expecting to see more Christmas gifts on here. Where are they lol.
  16. Here is the Yo Zuri. I also have two of the deeper models Here is the lucky craft.
  17. Will do. The flat sides have me excited for the spring bite. This is the first year we can fish for bass year round, catch and release, so I hope this bait will excel during the early season. Also hope that it will be good post cold front on our N WI, vaca lake that seems to average 2 cold fronts the weeks we stay up there. Will post pictures later for those that haven't seen these baits.
  18. Thanks, and it makes you wonder if they changed anything else since it is quite a bit cheaper than the Duel-Hardcore flat SP that has even been on sale at TW. Would be interesting to know if the internals are the same. Have you tried the Cheaper LC lightning pointer? In know you use LC jerkbaits. I generally don't buy more expensive Jerkbaits, ReRange is the exception because I got them on a good sale last year and they hooked me lol, but I still only have 4. I have lost too many to Musky to invest big money in jerkbaits. The 100 if it floats I will use it on the trout stream as it has the perfect size and profile. Not worth the time to me to work with it to make it suspend and since I can repurpose it I will be a happy camper. I was hoping to find a replacement for the Jackall squad minnow 80, but I can keep looking.
  19. I have done both and really like the plano 4700 boxes. I have way too many filled with plastics. The best case I can make for a box, is you can set plastics in them just so, so that they don't take a funky set and be unusable. I have seen this more than a few times and is why I use a lot of boxes. That said I do have a fair amount of plastics in bags, either because I ran out of boxes or baits like the rage menace and structure bug are packaged so they don't get bent out of shape. I would say I am 75% box and 25% bag. I have never seen plastics dry out and some are 20+ years old.
  20. I got these for Christmas and since I can't use them till this spring I was curious if anyone has used them and has any pointers for me. The Yo-Zuri I believe is a newer bait and has really flat sides, so guessing cold water bait or a post front bait. If interested I can post pictures. I know the LC is the lower end price wise for them, so I hope that doesn't mean it isn't as good as their other offerings. Would have asked about the KVD 100, but early posts on hear have me thinking the thing is a dud. If it truly is a floater I will likely end up in the trout box, perfect size for the creek near my place.
  21. I have been doing this a long time as well and carry over 150 cranks combined for vacation in a deep 3700 and a standard 3700. This includes a 50 sized rat, 2 6th sense C25 deep divers and some plopper and choppos in the 110,120 range. I did buy the rubber bands from the hair care section and the ponytail bands come in various lengths which I have found handy using the longer ones, after a couple of pre stretches, to connect the 3rd treble to the other two that were banded together. The only baits I don't use them on are the ploppers and jointed baits and I have to say this system is great. I think it does minimize hook rash, but doesn't eliminate it. I will say baits seem to get more hook rash in the water than from riding in the box. As for putting them back in, that happens once the baits are dry, usually off the water. I have a shoebox that is half scent and half for letting cranks air dry without me stepping on them. I drilled a lot of holes on the side of the box and the lid to allow for air flow.
  22. A lead free jig haul from Siebert, tungsten button heads and button head offsets. Also some spinnerbaits. From an eBay seller also trying some tin/bismuth Ned heads.
  23. Just a few items for Christmas and a couple buried underneath. With the extra rod holder I can now have 7 rods on the front deck, but still short of what @MN Fisher can carry in his canoe lol. I just can’t give up any other vertical space without limiting my cast angles too much. Been a great Christmas so far. Also got some Liquid Mayhem scent and plastics too.
  24. The site we can't mention on here has them for 4 bucks a piece if you are interested. I am trying my best to not break or bend any rules and just to provide you information. Stock is low or out in some colors and sizes but have 3.25" and 4.5" models. If this post pushed that limit please remove it, just trying to help out here:)
  25. Are there places they can be ordered from other than a site that can’t be mentioned? Since they are on 50 percent off there guessing they won’t have them much longer either.
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