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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. Yeh alcohol and boating is a bad combination. The other is just people being dumb. Used to have to recreational boats on the vacation lake that would chase each other around and jump each others wake. They were always close enough that if the lead boat turned an unexpected direction to say miss a loon or a yak they may have got center punched. Just never understand peoples behavior sometimes.
  2. What is weird from the video doesn’t look like they got thrown so they could have just grabbed it and pulled it. Let’s say they were wearing it, not being thrown it wouldn’t have shut off. Some people freeze in situations like that. Not really sure how you teach that in the moment reactions, as some just naturally have them and some never do. For sure not defending them. I will say if I fish weekends during the summer I try to be off the water by 11 to avoid the recreational boaters.
  3. This is always my take. If they are on a feeding binge they will hit anything and scent makes no difference. Those lockjaw days are where it can be the difference of a zero or fish in the boat. Always tell folks when they first try scent or baits like this to do it on a tough day and make their judgements then. Now I will have to try those baits, just not sure how to rig them lol.
  4. These are the minnows and not the worms. Reminds me of a finesse fin-s-fish from lunker city.
  5. I didn't realize that the max scent were like Gulp. I figured I would rig one up and toss it in the box for my next trip with other baits. I use slider heads so having baits pre rigged is an option.
  6. Whenever a scent topic comes up on here there are always a lot that don't believe it works. I will say though that the number of believers seems to be increasing over the years. What I am curious about is that those that didn't believe it plays a role, have you changed your mind based on the success some are having with the Berkley max scent baits? I personally haven't tried them yet, but did pick up some flatnose minnows on clearance last year for under 2 bucks.
  7. That is perfect and a lot more solid than the idea I had. Now if I can convince myself to wear my PFD more often. The lake I fish is weird as we can get 3-4 footers with maybe 4-6 feet of spacing in between. When I say we get 4 footers and I say it is dicey people look sideways at me because they think big water where you get the pictures of the people fishing while standing on water because the boat is in the trough. Had to cross this lake in really heavy waves once, probably the most scared I was in the boat even more so than when I was fishing and the sky got green and in between the strong wind switching 180 degrees it was eerily still to go along with the green sky. Totally froze in that moment and just fished through it. Had a seen a funnel cloud I was close to shore and would have ran to that.
  8. Not looking to get around it, but the way they write the age bit is weird. I got nailed for passing a car turning left on the right on a 2 lane road and the fact I kept 2 tires on the pavement I later learned could have left me in the clear, but the law that nobody probably know exists is written so it clear as mud;) Sometimes I think they write laws like that to give cops some options. For better or worse I only wear my PFD when running in rough water. I do have an older self inflate one, but even though the cartridge is green, I found out they have a shelf life. That is the only life jacket that has a built in attachment point. My kayak vest I would have to rig something on it.
  9. The FAQ on the coast guard site said that a pre 2020 boat didn’t need to fix it if it broke. Also you may have, but I generally only read the tackle section and the general and rod and reel section from time to time. Only other time I was on this section was when I was drawing up some home plans and needed a garage depth for a 21 foot boat I may purchase some day. So I wouldn’t have seen it. Also my question is very specific with how to attach myself to the switch.
  10. Well apparently this has now gone into effect, without a lot of fanfare. My father in law saw it somewhere and passed it on or I would have never known about it. They should really post it at boat landings. The kind of is because we overheard someone talking to the folks on a sherif boat on the Mississippi and they said they won’t start enforcing it for a couple of years. Here is where my question comes in. I generally where shorts and shirts that don’t have anything to clip on to. Even some of the life vests I have don’t have a spot to clip to. My thought is I clip the tether to itself and wear it as a bracelet. Wondering if that would be legal? Not sure if @A-Jay has any insight being retired coast guard. Reading the law though it is interesting. It reads like my 2006 16 foot alumacraft would be exempt due to the boats age. I do know mine works because it shutoff the motor when I was wearing it traveling in rough water, after I stopped somewhere and stood up with the motor idling. This will ultimately get me to do something I should always do, not just in rough water, so it is a good thing and I will do it even if my boat is exempted.
  11. Tom question for you. I have fished slider spider head, bullet shaped, rigged plastics for over 20 years now. Initially it was convenience and then for performance reasons. I also believe they are more environmentally friendly as you usually only hear of birds eating split shot or worm weights, not lead with a hook. since the slider spider head is basically a one piece Texas rig would you consider this taxes rigging plastics? I fish it just like I would a worm with a bullet weight and separate hook. I don’t use the slider method at all. I haven’t used a bullet weight in over 20 years.
  12. Cgolf

    Mini Ned

    Crappie slider plastics work really well too when there are 1000s of little minnows swimming around, they match the hatch perfectly. This is a serious note to self because I always pack them for this exact reason, do you think I ever rig them up, nope.
  13. Cgolf

    Mini Ned

    Here is proof it wasn't a dink;) Blue highlight is covering up the promo part of the pic for social media to stay on the right side of the rules:) Average bass on this system are 10-14" and I have only cracked 20" once and it was an old fish I had caught multiple times over many years. 16 to 17" bass are solid smallies and none of them are hurting for a meal. It is a unique system to watch, lots of carp and very healthy populations of bass and pike.
  14. Cgolf

    Mini Ned

    It's a mini turd? ?
  15. Cgolf

    Mini Ned

    This is my trout and smallie rod. Fishing for trout I use a lot of inline spins and that is why the swivel is there. I do both in the same day, so I guess I am to lazy to switch it out;) I do try the inline spins to for bass but so far no takers.
  16. Cgolf

    Mini Ned

    Lately I have been fishing small plastics on a Ned Head for trout and Creek Chubs and had good luck. What I do is cut a Ned bait in half so that the Trout and Chubs could get there mouths on the hook. Fast forward now, I am having good success with it on lakes and rivers. Just like the normal Ned it to catches above average fish for the system. I will try this around reeds, vertical cover, this summer on vacation. The hope is the compact size will drop a little more on target than a standard Ned which glides to much and gets blown off target, time will tell. Using a Jades Jigs low pro ned head, love these jigs and found my gopher tackle replacement, and a 1.375" LM convulsion stick bait.
  17. Renegade used to have a 4" chartreuse silver ribbon tail worm, that many years later I found out river smallies loved. Much to late to buy all I could get a hold of. It was a great worm.
  18. While I totally agree with you on Yum baits, crawbug has landed me more smallies than all other plastics combined, I think the point is we could potentially be losing a US based pouring house if true. In an unstable world it would be really nice to have 3 large pouring houses in country. I know of Big Bite, Yum, and Zoom. Not sure where Strike King and Berkley source their products from. I know there are probably some smaller companies, but not sure if they pour their own or source them from elsewhere, probably a mix. Not sure if these companies could scale up or if they have to outsource if they grow too much. I know at one point I talked to a Kalins rep and their baits were outsourced to a pouring house somewhere in the US was the answer I got. Maybe I am missing something and most plastics are sourced from the US, but I would be surprised if that were true.
  19. Please anyone take Aaron Rodgers. So done with that guy, that magically only plays good when he is motivated. Take him and good luck lol. As for Zoom I bought a lot of their baits early on, but they are just sitting in storage. Not bad baits just ones I rarely use. Swamp crawlers and the mag finesse worm are the exception. Since Netbait discontinued the slim shake, the swamp crawler is the only skinny worm out there that I know of.
  20. The whole point of me ordering from Tackle Warehouse is to save money over other sites or local big box stores. As soon as I add expedited shipping I might as well by local or other sites. This is why I plan ahead and don’t order anything I need in the next two weeks. Generally I am given gift cards to spend so semi limited budget. I am just your average fisherman that gets out 3-4 times a week, but I don’t tournament fish. I could see folks that tournament fish needing stuff on a shorter time frame for an upcoming tournament.
  21. Alright Glenn I will bite on this one. Only things I can figure that makes things worse is a war of some sort or China stops sourcing tackle or limits the amount and companies have find new sources to make their products. I must be missing something but in my 47 years this is the first time I can remember supply chain issues like this. Even weird things like hot wheels, which I kind of collect, have been hard to find with some stores not getting shipments for months. Like some I still mostly order from TW, but I always order in the off season so the wait doesn’t impact me.
  22. While this may not look like a fishing purchase, I grabbed a 10’ 2” PVC pipe that was cut and washed into 17 7” sections to be put in my 3700 bag. I like the larger PVC because it just holds more baits than the smaller PVC tubes in the bag.
  23. I fish baby menace on a 3/16 or 1/4 ounce pro slider head and use it on lakes and rivers. Really shines around vertical cover letting it drop and working along the bottom on rivers. I probably average over 10 fish a bait and it seems to get bit better as it is seasoned. I also may fish baits longer than others though. If the nose rips I generally flip the bait 180 and rig out the other side getting a few more fish. I quit using moon juice because it didn’t catch fish rigged upside down lol.
  24. I don’t know in Team9 has responded as he has been my goto on here for Ned questions, but the original Ned baits weren’t buoyant. Ned is a thrifty guy, which I can relate to in the non hobby portion of my life, and he likes Zman products because they were economical. The buoyancy was a bonus. I find a place for both. One of my favorites is a heavily salted wart hawg that is a skinny 5” stick bait I cut in half to use as a Ned rig bait. Zman has just hyped the crap out of it and then went and changed the image of it with the big TRD, Etc confusing the definition of what a Ned rig is. I think people newer to the technique think a Ned is exclusively an elaztech bait thing. Man I must be getting old because I feel like I am the old guy yelling get off my lawn;)
  25. If you really want to be a purist you need some gopher heads, wish they were still around. I only have a few left. My current heads of choice are Jades jigs non lead heads and Siebert Morels. I also have some baby morels when he did a run with smaller hooks. Wish he did another run. Won’t touch the Zman heads as I don’t like the hook material. The berkley half head jigs and northland fireball heads both in 1/16 ounce have worked well for me as well. That said Midwest finesse has been a staple for me and never knew I was doing it. For me the ned is primarily a river bait but will use it sometimes on lakes. Not a miracle bait but a solid tool in the toolbox.
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