When on the local lake which best case happens every other weekend, but realistically once a month this is exactly what I need to do for the 2-3 hours I am out there. A lot changes in two weeks and you are essentially trying to find them A and what they will hit B. I do mix new baits and techniques in there too so that I can eventually expand my confidence lures. The lake in particular I fish is really difficult, it is a flat mostly featureless, and really ugly looking water. The couple of pieces of structure along with docks just get pounded so those fish are a touch bit picky.
When I am on a fishing vacation I have 4 days to a week to pattern them and includes spending 10+ hours a day on the water. It can be tough to consistently catch fish when you fish a highly pressured body of water only once a month.
So I think I follow the junk fishing definition. Maybe someday I will be able to pattern the local lake, which would be fun. especially the big toothy critters.