Disclaimer, I am not saying run out and buy low end gear now and expect great things!
So I have 5 older reels that I like to use. A Shakespeare excursion (not the one I have posted in the past that was retired after last season this is a second one I had bought at same time that was little used), Daiwa Viento, and 3 Quantum accurists. All of the reels are 15 to 20 years old and are silky smooth and all have seen action this year except one of the accurists. The 4 baitcasters have never been cleaned or relubed and they have never given me a reason to think they need it.
Fast forward I have bought some 150$+ baitcasters, on sale never full price, over the last 3 years to replace the old reels and I have to say that many feel geary and not the same level of quality as the older baitcasters. The one thing they do better though is of course casting distance, so that does generally push the old reels out of the boat, except the one I forgot about the black max 3600 round reel that while a tank is the best reel I own and I paid 10 bucks for it at an estate sale and it probably outcasts all others by a fair bit.
Spinning reels I will admit to being a Daiwa regal guy, despite the brittle bail springs, and I tried the Presidents too late because I got the ones that are super geary no matter how much grease I try to pack in there. That old Shakespeare excursion I used this morning is right on par with the Daiwa regals and a lot better than the presidents.
Without spending tons of money either on initial purchase or upgrades, is there a way to get that fit and finish we saw way back when? I am half tempted to see how bad a newer Shakespeare excursion feels. I will say I was very pleasantly surprised by the red and black Shimano Sienna 2000 spinning reel. They are super smooth and at 30 bucks I bought 3 total to cover most of my spinning rods, so have found some good deals.