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Everything posted by Cgolf

  1. so ho long is the drop leader. History on the lake I fish is most bites are 1-2 feet off bottom. So is a 12” drop leader too short?
  2. I made a pail drift sock and took it one year and the millfoil made it useless. Maybe need to pack it again and see what happens now that the millfoil is under control.
  3. Thanks and since I rarely see a calm day any more I will use them weighted knowing this. I love my boat but it is tough in wind. A little jealous of how the glass boats track but can’t justify the cost. If I knew someone local that used them I might have gifted them but at least this way I will use them. Have had the bags for 8-10 years.
  4. I fish for fun but do have two products I represent, but they don’t ask me anything beyond posting pictures. Since I don’t tournament fish I don’t look for more sponsors and wouldn’t sign on for one that looks for product placement in a shop or recruiting other people, but that’s just my fun fishing situation. Since it sounds as if you are getting paid, either cash or product credit, are you able to renegotiate to something different then recruiting new team members since you are running out of good brand ambassadors to recruit? I would hope they would work with you, but if not it might be time to move on. The downside is that you have to invest in setups from another brand which likely won’t be free.
  5. So essentially putting the weight on it won’t kill the Senko wiggle or the unique fish catching action? I guess that is the ultimate question. Looking to try this on a clear water lake. Has worked with swim senkos but that is a totally different beast. I fish a lot of vertical cover in wind where boat control is difficult and don’t have enough time on target to allow unweighted bait to get to bottom in 6 fow. Have a 16 foot aluminum boat that is blown all over in the wind and doesn’t track well with the trolling motor.
  6. The waters I fish along with my fishing style don’t allow me to fish a weightless Senko, so I plan on trying it on a slider head. Is this considered worm fishing or still a Senko presentation? Just curious because I have a few packs to use up and cutting them up as a Ned bait seems like a waste of cash.
  7. They are in my waters too, I just only have the time for one or two different spots to stop on the way into work. Sometimes they are there and others not. I only fish for 15-20 minutes in the morning.
  8. The smaller fish while being one of the smaller fish I caught is from this year. The larger of the 2 is what was more common last year. I am just glad they are reproducing and I have been able to fish this spot for over 15 years. Oddly the carp, walleye, pike, largies, smallies, and other fish seem to coexist rather well together.
  9. I shore fishing on the way to work so I can’t relocate to find fish. This year I have been on a baby smallie run, no clue what is going on. Last year the majority of the smallies were 16” topping out at 20” and none of the 6-7” fish I am seeing this year. I was almost getting worried the fishery was in trouble, no more worries. The funny thing is the little fish have been a blast and a lot of them have put up a fight well above their size. Have I lost my mind or did I just reconnect with the part of fishing that hooked me, catching a fish! I did get a nice 16” fish today which was nice to see as well, but it is just fun fishing with no pressure to catch big fish. Similarly we have been going to a lake for years during the summer and I was pushing myself to catch more and bigger bass each year. 3 years ago we started doing a fall trip and I fished with zero expectations and had a blast despite zeroing one day. I am obviously a slow learner, but I think I need to get back to the mindset of fun fishing.
  10. Thankfully it hasn’t hit my fishing, but the last year we haven’t kayaked for fun, zip for astrophotography, and worst of all no working out. First two years of Covid was busier than ever. Work wears us down and just have nothing left by day end. Thankfully I fish for 20 minutes on the way to work and it helps me recharge and deal with some of the crap at work.
  11. Got it, I thought you were more north based on the description. I don't blame you, it sounds like it is just a nice trip to spend time with family, but bummer the fishing was ruined. The lake I stay on the weeds disappeared in parts of the lake as well, and the walleye fishing declined and the bass fishing jumped off the charts and everyone blamed the bass for the walleye decline, not the lack of weeds;) It seems like the further north you get, the lakes just get less use.
  12. Now I have to figure out the youtuber, because I may be wrong on the location lol. Also there are musky tournies on the lake chain I am thinking of, with with that level of recreational traffic I wouldn't think the musky fishing would be any good. Also not to out the area, someone can PM me. If I am right I don't want anyone to figure out my vaca lake either.
  13. This could be the issue I have. The cover in the lakes I fish spinnerbaits work just fine, and the places they won't a swim jig isn't coming clean through the mess either. For me a spinnerbait just is more efficient, but I do try a swim jig throughout the day. Generally though I have done better bottom bouncing a swim jig versus a swimming retrieve.
  14. What is crazy though is I believe we vacation on a lake not very far from there with trophy Musky, Smallmouth, and maybe even walleye and have a very healthy largemouth fishery. Even over or near the 4th, there is very little recreational or fishing traffic and I can generally fish where I want when I want at any time of the day. I am still trying to get my wife to get land or a house on this lake to retire there. Only issue is the long winters.
  15. The best baits to see the pricing structure change on TW is Rage baits, the new baits they added 6.99 vs the older baits 5.99. My wife has taught me how to bargain shop so I notice price increases on tackle right away, but put me in a grocery store I have little clue as to what is or isn't a good price.
  16. I wouldn’t judge the prices by TW. Over the last couple of years they have been changing their pricing structure. Decent pricing, but no longer below msrp like in the past.
  17. I have caught hundreds of fish on a spinnerbait and a handful on a swim jig. I am sure at some point I will find a situation where the swim jig shines, but it will be a lot of trial and error. Spinnerbaits seem to just jump on the line for me.
  18. Well two weekends with hotel stays, but thankfully a fleet farm stop each trip. The shallow flicker Shad’s should be good for bass this fall. The big bite trailers hopefully will finally get me some bladed jig bites. The tiny trebles are for the tiny crème craws, the smallies are hard on the little hooks The Largo Shad’s look great, but I need advice on how to rig them.
  19. Father in law picked up some Stanley spins for me from TW. Hoping they are as good as everyone says they are.
  20. Made some spinnerbaits for some family members for a trip to a water I know well. The wife made the label which adds a little something to it.
  21. Not everyone in WI fishes nightcrawlers for walleye. Lots of trolling and the owner of the cabins we stay at, N WI, fills his freezer with lipless baits, zero livebait. I used to fish crawlers for walleyes, but it was inefficient and made a mess in the boat.
  22. Was just proof of the hypocrisy. I ain’t buying them as I already have too many turd rig baits. I don’t think anyone would take that as a promo link. Since you asked we use Kirkland hand soap an Irish spring was the cheapest so I bought that;)
  23. Yup https://profishiency.com/perfectionlures/product/dudleys-9-piece-pre-rigged-ned-rig-kit/
  24. My 2 cents and flame me or block me if you want. I river fish a lot and I always fish on a tight line, with the only exception of giving a lure enough time to drop to the bottom. As soon as I feel a take I set the hook, I refuse to let a fish chew on a bait allowing it to take a bait deeper. This has worked well for me with hardly any deep hooked fish. IMO though true slack line tactics run a much higher risk of deep hooking a fish and I refuse to use them. Jerkbait fishing is close, but I use the reel to stop the lure and don't sweep the rod and then reel up the slack line. Again my opinion and how I fish, but I won't fault anyone that fishes differently and it works for them. This video is older and the last time I was in Walmart I saw a David Dudley ned rig kit, which I thought was interesting after watching the video when it first came out.
  25. I honestly still use an old Ugly stick 6"6" M 2 piece on the river all the time. I also have an Ugly GX2 with the same specs that works well too, but I was less impressed with the build quality of the GX2 which is a trend I am seeing with newer products sadly. Yes they are uglies, but I have caught so many fish on that old rod, that it is my most productive by far and I don't feel guilty about leaving it in the truck on a hot summer day. I do use an older reel on it that isn't super light and I can fish the rod all day if I have it on the boat. It is a touch tip heavy, balance point at the front of the grip, but not enough I feel I need to balance it out.
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