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Everything posted by lecisnith

  1. I was researching spinnerbaits and found the "Advanced Spinnerbait Techniques" video. Took me a while to fully immerse myself. What really drew me in was Glenn's knees...
  2. I have the 7'6" and does quite well horsing fish out of lily pads and weeds. I don't use it for frogs, just Texas rigs and jigs.
  3. I've actually never heard it recommended and I am yet to get into swimbaits myself yet, but wouldn't a musky rod work for swimbaits? Just thinking out loud, here...
  4. One thing that is better than never forgetting sunscreen, is buying a long-sleeved, high spf shirt. The materials with which they are made are moisture wicking and keep you quite cool. Just for future considerations...
  5. I used the pumpkinseed color last year and caught a LOT of fish with it. Almost 100% hookup ratio, walks really well, fish seem to like it in open water next to cover. Just don't let 3 or 4 pike get into it. Not made for that kind of abuse...
  6. Brand, make, and model don't necessarily matter. Most people will tell you the only thing that matters is aluminum frame, quality drag system, and a 7.0:1 gear ratio or higher.
  7. This is probably going to be my go-to technique with a Rage Craw, 1/0 spinshot hook, 1/2 oz sinker, and 15# copolymer in a specific area of my home lake. I stopped using a standard dropshot last year after getting cut off in dense wood with a nice smallie on a few times. This looks like it could alleviate that issue.
  8. I voted for Pflueger. You can get the Trion reel for $40. If you need a new combo, though, Gander Mountain has their Daiwa Revros spinning combos on sale for 39.99 from 69.99. I haven't used them but have messed around with them in the store and they look legit. Read some good reviews as well.
  9. The small birds are typically harassing the larger predator-type birds away from their nests. Last time I was out I saw a hawk carry off a baby red-winged blackbird after a failed misdirection attempt. More often than not, though, the small birds are successful. At least in my observations.
  10. Just as long as you steer clear of the jorts I think you're ok.
  11. I've been wearing these this year. They seem to be fairly durable, water-resistant, and quite comfortable for hot weather because of the light fabric. http://m.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Guide-Series-Mens-Trailhead-Convertible-Pant&i=445907
  12. I highly recommend trying it on a weekday morning in June. Then in September/October. Not too much traffic and the AVERAGE smallie is about three pounds.
  13. If you're staying near Cedar, you can put in at Elmwood Marina for West Bay. It's pretty nice but traffic is usually ridiculous. My recommendation would be go to the State Park launch on M37 on Old Mission Peninsula for East Bay. That's usually where I go. I also second Lake Leelanau. It is supposed to have some very, very large smallies. I also go to Elk Lake/Skegemog in Elk Rapids/Williamsburg area.
  14. I don't really feel like he was making any delineation between "assault weapons". You've got crazies in China that go around and stab dozens of people, you've got crazies in India that randomly throw acid on people on buses, you've got crazies in America that shoot up planned parenthood clinics. His point remains the same: insanity and assault weapons are a bad combination. P.S. I own "assault rifles" which are actually categorized as semi-automatic high-caliber rifles, typically with high-capacity magazines.
  15. Being very familiar with different shoulder ailments, I would say not a rotator cuff. That's more of a clicking/popping accompanied by pain. Burning sensation along with sharp pain is often associated with muscle tears, which could easily happen with vigorous exercise. Then again...
  16. Roughly 3lb on wacky senko. First decent fish of the year.
  17. Hey, it's a little more involved than a lot of people like their music to be. Most people don't dig a lot of complexity in the music they listen to. Just like to dance around a pile of shoes...
  18. Comparing the two bands is really apples and oranges for me. Metallica, after Kill 'Em All, clearly got away from the Thrash sound that defines 99% of Megadeth's catalog. Before Cliff Burton died they were headed in a very prog-metal direction, which you can tell on Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. Even his last song, To Live is to Die, on ...And Justice for All, carries that prog sound, while the rest of the album gets back to Metallica's thrash roots. Then they went to a more hard rock sound which really turned off a lot of metalheads and that's really the only reason the debate popped up in the first place. Most Megadeth fans, when talking about Metallica, would say that Metallica sold out and their music suffered. Most Metallica fans would argue that their music evolved and adapted. Most Metallica fans, when talking about Megadeth, would say that all their songs sound the same. Most Megadeth fans would argue that the band has been able to stay true to their Thrash/Speed metal roots while subtly changing their sound from album to album and lineup to lineup. The bottom line is, if you truly enjoy the genre, you can not compare a band that brought an entire genre into the forefront of music at a time when people thought of Motley Crue as heavy metal, and a band that has risen to the heights of commercial success that it has without compromising any of their musical integrity. But without the first, there never would have been the other... I have been listening to Metallica since I was seven and Countdown to Extinction was my favorite album for quite a while. So I'm a little passionate.
  19. That looks an awful lot like Thumb. Last time I was there I accidentally left my buddy's truck running for two hours while we were out tooling around... I'm pretty envious. Was it everything you'd hoped for and more?
  20. I honestly have only been able to get out for an hour or so here or there all season, fishing from the bank and have caught a whopping total of TWO fish. One was a bluegill that was almost as big as the bass that I caught. Should change soon, though.
  21. By fully clothed I mean multi-layered. I think the last time I was out in either late October or early November I had thermal undies, nice work pants, two pairs of socks, tee shirt, long sleeve shirt, and a hoodie and after about an hour still put my coat on. And I wasn't miserable. Hard to be miserable when catching Great Lakes smallies.
  22. Season lasts longer than 3 months, just the other 3 months or so you need to be fully clothed...
  23. Sweet! I was actually driving through Gaylord on Wednesday looking for a brand new Lund... Where you taking her for the maiden voyage?
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