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Everything posted by lecisnith

  1. I knew there was something I liked about those short shorts. Bare knees are a window to the soul...
  2. Trust me. There are no stripper poles within a reasonable driving distance of A-Jay. Making that a hobby WOULD be more expensive than fishing.
  3. I would be out one tackle box. The whole thing.
  4. A-Jay because his philosophy and style seems to jibe pretty well with mine. Plus I wouldn't have to drive very far. SemperBass for much the same reason. CGRINDER so when we weren't busy catching fish we could fill the void with talk of The Metal. Really a lot more, this is just in my state...
  5. Downsizing and slowing down has worked for me the last couple days. Typically the slowest I fish is hopping a Senko with a 3/8oz weight but with the way it has NOT been cooling off yet I have been throwing weightless Senkos(which worked), Ned Rigs(which worked), and yesterday I threw a Trick Worm on a half-***ed Carolina Rig and just let it sit for a while. That worked to the tune of my unofficial PB.
  6. After probably 10-15 times of asking myself, "when am I going to learn to retie after a couple of fish?", I think I finally have drilled it into my brain to at the VERY LEAST, check the condition of line and give the knot some good pulls. But if I have any doubts at all I am going to tie it up again.
  7. I watched it once. Then I watched it again. And again. And again...My wife and I are actually throwing a "Stranger Christmas" Party this year as all our friends are big fans of the show as well.
  8. My wife asked me yesterday why I feel the need to keep rods in the car. I sent her this today as an answer.
  9. As with the majority of guys, spinnerbaits were basically my introductory bait for bass fishing. As I got more in tune with the game and got more into different techniques I really got away from them the past couple years. Earlier this year I started throwing it again consistently around vegetation and burning them over the top of wood and rediscovered them. I picked up an Elite Tech Smallmouth rod specifically for them this summer and that, along with advice like yours, really makes me want to get a much bigger spinnerbait repertoire.
  10. Pluggy Greenhorn. Appropriate.
  11. Northern Michigan authorities take their fish and game management and enforcement very seriously. So I imagine they're going to take the laundry list of infractions very seriously.
  12. I feel like I've met that dude before...
  13. I use a 7'MH F Gander Mountain GSX Tournament that retailed for $100 but I got for $50. I don't typically fish in anything super thick so MH is all I need. I have a very good hook-up ratio and then when they get hit, it pulls them in fast enough. You're always going to get a ridiculously broad spectrum when you ask what "the best X" is. My advice is get an idea of rod and reel specs and go with the best you can reasonably afford. Or WANT to afford...
  14. My verdict, after using it a whopping one time when I thought it might catch anything, is: Not yet...
  15. My buddy and I were cruising along Grand Traverse Bay last summer and had a small flock of gulls get startled in front of us. Most of them took off pretty quickly, well before we got to their spot, but there were a few stragglers. One of these stragglers went to the passenger side of the boat and was on a parallel path with us, which I thought was pretty cool until it veered toward the boat right as we got upon it. Luckily I have cat-like reflexes and the hunting instincts of my prehistoric brethren and head-butted it. Didn't feel the best, but I fared better than the bird...
  16. That's sexist... I usually say something along the lines of, "Hey, it IS a fish". If I say anything at all. I'm usually too afraid I'll jinx it.
  17. It's been slow. 5 or 6 every trip with a decent one peppered in here or there. Got my first Lucky Craft fish last night from the stash I won in the spring, too. So that was exciting. On the Sammy 110.
  18. I use the improved clinch exclusively with flouro and mono. Once in a great while i'll muff it up and it will come loose. But when tied properly it holds up as well as anything. Just test it before you use it...
  19. I don't understand the insult. Aren't the majority of those lakes man-made? Aren't they located in an extraordinarily arid region? I'm actually asking because I have no experience in the area. But if that is the case wouldn't it stand to reason that they would eventually dry up?
  20. I am rarely one to judge people on how they spend their free time. However, I felt much better about this when I was aware of it but ignorant to any of the details than I am now that the game has been explained to me. I'm glad I lost my youthful exuberance before Pokémon became a thing so I don't have the nostalgia aspect to go along. Now, if they make an augmented reality where you have to capture He-Man, Thundercats, Voltron, and Looney Tunes characters, I might get sucked in for a millisecond.
  21. He said it won't work the same. Internally weighted tubes have more of a slow spiralling action. The shroom style jighead would give it more of a straight fall, like a Texas rigged tube.
  22. In Michigan anything powered by non-humans must be registered.
  23. Also on Lunkerville. NBC Sports network.
  24. I used to fish buzzbaits on a $30 Pinnacle Deadbolt that was a 6.3:1 on a $20 rod without any issue. I used a 5.2:1 spinning reel before that. If you're honestly having issues with buzzbaits retrieving properly it could be technique issues.
  25. "Blank."blank":1 just means that every time you turn the handle one time, that is how many times the spool turns. Inches per turn will differ based on the gear ratio and the size of the spool. A 7.1:1 ratio reel will have a different IPT across different manufacturers. The basis behind having a 7.1:1 or higher reel for buzzbaits is they have to be retrieved at a relatively fast pace to plane out and buzz the surface. Having a fast reel makes it easier. But you don't need to have a reel with that specific of a gear ratio. Just something in the neighborhood.
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