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Everything posted by lecisnith

  1. Like I said, I'm sure it's just a matter of large volume creating a few problems and that's what you always hear about. I am confident that the replacement will be good.
  2. Greetings from the TC area.
  3. I would, but I still enjoy my wife's company.
  4. Not at the moment. Told the wife I would try to limit myself to one new rod per offseason after I got my technique specific lineup done. So I'll improvise in the meantime. I mean, I always have my eye on something. Just have to wait until a realistic opportunity to justify the purchase.
  5. That is a terrible thing for you to say. Think about all the fish that I would still not catch with my squarebill rod if I hadn't mistaken it for a power pole.
  6. I've got a back-up. And a back-up for my back-up. And a back-up for that one. But I'm confident in their product. I'm sure they just make and sell so many that there are bound to be a few here or there that slip through the cracks at quality control. Warranty should take care of it.
  7. Already started the claims process for the broken rod. Luckily I was only into the lost set-up about $75 since I got the rod at a garage sale and the reel for a deep discount. The lost pike WAS my least favorite part of the trip. Kind of lost my cool there... I didn't bring my goggles. Plus with the snapping turtles, leeches, snakes, and samsquanches known in these parts I wasn't going in that particular water.
  8. Costly day on the water for this guy. Went out for a few hours with my buddy and we were catching a few fish here and there. Some barely legal largemouth and some pocket rocket pike. We were setting up on one side of the lake we were on and letting the strong wind drift us to the other side, rinsing, and repeating. Just as we were clearing the decks to make another run across, my foot slipped on a bag of trick worms(shoulda known) and to keep from going in the drink I stuck my left hand out and braced myself against the side of the boat. Jammed my wrist a little, no biggie, but my left hand HAD BEEN holding my Falcon Bucoo Micro squarebill rod. Over the side it goes and out of sight. 8 feet of water, never to bee seen by mine eyes again. So that was upsetting. Decided to not let that get me down and we went to a little cove with a bunch of cover so I decided to brush up on my punching while my buddy stuck to his hollow-body frogs. I use a 7'6" Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 MH for my heavy cover punching/flipping/Texas rig fishing and immediately caught 3 decent bass on a Texas rigged green pumpkin/chartreuse tail worm. Switched back and forth between that rig and a jig and craw a few times before I hooked up again on the worm. Biggest bass of the day was a wily one that got into some thicker wood and I ended up breaking off. So, I tie another 1/2 oz bullet weight, another 3/0 EWG hook and rig on another worm. Go to cast, and hear a "clunk". Look up and my rod snapped between the 5th and 6th guides. "What in the..." first time I've ever seen that happen. We decided to leave shortly after that. While going through my ritual of making one more cast with every rod I have on deck before I put it away for the outing, I tossed out a ned rig and hooked up with a big, big pike. Probably wouldn't have been a PB, but over 30", probably around 10lbs, or so. Get it to the boat and, after forgetting to put the net in the boat I grabbed my fish grips to get it in the boat after I thought it was ready. WRONG. Went to grab it, it shook it's head, there goes the ned rig along with my pride. That's what I get for trying to grab a fish with my lady parts instead of my hand like I knew I should. Not a good day. Not good at all.
  9. I'm pretty sure that everywhere you go you'll find a ratio of around 60/40 miserable to decent. Plus or minus a few points on either side to take into account genuinely good people and grade A A-holes. But I've read that Vermont was voted the "nicest" state as far as people were concerned. Although I'm sure my numbers are pretty solid there as well.
  10. Top water baits, like all bass baits, are an issue of, "right place, right time". I've had fish completely ignore a weightless Senko, which, by all common logic, is supposed to be the one fail-safe for bass fisherman and then turn around and destroy a buzzbait. Sometimes a hollow-body frog is the only thing that is possible to throw in a clump of lily pads without wanting to throw yourself in after getting hung up 10 consecutive casts. Do yourself a favor and choose sunrise and sunset and find a bank with reeds, pads, cattails, grass, or some other kind of cover, and do nothing but cast along that stuff with whatever topwater you choose. You'll get confidence in it.
  11. I agree. Abnormal is what I do best.
  12. It's a great feeling when you're WRONG in thinking it was a decent pike. Nice Smallie, man. You're tearing it up lately. Almost like you know what you're doing...
  13. I am, personally, of the opinion that a fishing video with some good, contextual cursing in it is the best one. Like when someone first sees a giant pike next to their canoe and mutters the H-F-S trifecta. It makes me feel warm in my heart. And not alone...
  14. I wish I got those. I only get these that seem to ask me the same question.
  15. My first suggestion is you predate them yourself. If that's not an option then I'm out of suggestions... So after some quick math, I guess that would be my only suggestion...
  16. Really nice fish for up here. On a side note, when my wife took a video of me landing a three pounder(which is the biggest she's ever seen) she was much less calm than yours and that video would have required extensive editing to be BR appropriate. So at least you have a reliable cameraman.
  17. Hey, if you guys enjoy maggots so much, I'm happy for you. I, on the other hand, am quite comfortable with my manhood while also wanting nothing to do with them. So you don't look down on me for that, I won't look down on you for being Judgy McJudgersons.
  18. I really wanted to do this with what I now call my "unofficial PB". Left my scale in my tackle bag and didn't have a tape in the car when I caught this. I can only say, "it was a nice fish". Which is a little depressing. But I did go home and figure out that I measure 22" top of my head to bottom of my teets. So that made me feel better about the situation. Still unofficial...
  19. I'm sure I'll get the opportunity sometime in the next 3-6 weeks...I'll let you know.
  20. Wasn't trying to make it a political statement. Was just relaying the info.
  21. Well, one reason she didn't want them here was I said,"if they're here, I won't be".
  22. Man, Burt is one that I've wanted to get to but haven't yet. It's a closer drive than Hubbard Lake is, though. Going to have to before the season is done. It's so big it looks like a model for the Jurassic Park:Aquarium sequel. Reading more. Caught with a crawler. From his dock. Talk about dumb effing luck.
  23. Only thing I've been able to find as yet is the one from Hubbard Lake last year. I'll wait with bated breath to see some info, though.
  24. Did. Crisis averted. My wife, who wants them to stay with us less than I do, found them an apartment to rent until they find a house to buy. Whew. That was close.
  25. So for anyone that lives in the southern states, particularly South Carolina, please let me know of any home or apartment rentals available for my in-laws so they don't try to live with me. Handicap accessible and small dog friendly. Option number one is them finding a place in South Carolina. Option number three is staying with my wife and me. Option number two is suicide...so please, I beg you, find me a place.
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