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Everything posted by lecisnith

  1. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/how-to-cast-baitcast.html
  2. And also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hFCUYuQRsN8 Only posting links considering my severe mental deficiencies won't allow me to embed the video.
  3. Who doesn't have death metal stuck in their head most of the time?
  4. How do the specialized drop shot weights work? I've got just regular tie-on drop shot sinkers. Does the line really hold in the little pinch? I suppose it doesn't really have to hold up to that much stress, just it's own weight against the angler reeling. Are they worth it just as a time saver?
  5. I've read and heard that some guys tie a dropshot rig and then just store it. Is that a lot easier than just tying every time you want to use one? I've personally only used a dropshot once for approximately 45 seconds before I said screw it but I've made that one of my learning points this season.
  6. Well, what's the one percent? C'mon, I've always wanted to know how the one percenters felt...
  7. The only time I've ever even thought about ice fishing is in the dead of winter when I haven't had a fish on line for two or three months. Still haven't been able to bring myself to get out there, however.
  8. Really?! $70-$80 is your guy's cheapest combo?! Mine is a Daiwa D-shock combo that I will forever cherish because it got me back into fishing. Cost me about $20 and has caught me a lot of fish over the last few years.
  9. Yeah, that's the general consensus. If I decide I don't like it I've got a ML spinning rod that will take over. I'm covered either way. I always have a plan B.
  10. It's a Shimano Sellus 7' MH/F. But it's much closer to a moderate fast than it is fast, it's got a much better tip than any of my other fast action rods.
  11. The Dt-4s and scatters are the same weight, allegedly. I'll give it a try my first time out-hopefully next Sunday-and if it doesn't work immediately I'll just tie on something heavier, and tell my wife that I hate to disappoint her but I need a new rod.
  12. I suppose I'm just listening to the hamster wheel turn a little too much. I keep seeing the little ponds around where I live opening up and am getting anxious.
  13. I just got a rod specifically for crankbaits with a rating of 3/8-1 oz. I've got quite a few shallow cranks (DT-4s, scatter raps) that are 5/16 oz. Will I have any trouble throwing them on the rod? Should I just use one of my medium spinning rods? Or am I splitting hairs over the 1/16 of an ounce.
  14. One time, when I was, like, 14, I woke up in the middle of the night with a tickly feeling on my chest that I figured was the blanket catching my virgin chest hair. I laid there for a minute trying to go back to sleep when I felt a DEFINITE crawling across my chest, which prompted a frantic gorilla chest pound. I was so tired that I immediately went back to sleep and forgot the whole incident until the morning when I threw the blanket back and pulled off a hairy, three-inch-long spider leg from my blanket. I said, "huh..."
  15. All you had to do was read through the forum thread to know that that is changing, literally, in ten days. Secondly, Michigan is a pretty awesome state in which to live. If you have the testicular fortitude to deal with a little bit of snow and actual cold temperatures (rather than thinking that 32 is actually freezing) you get to enjoy eight months of the most spectacular weather in the world and the scenery that comes with. We have seas, we have pine forests that rival northern California, we have rock formations that can match the ones in Utah and whatnot, we get temperatures that would make someone in Florida or Louisiana feel at home for a month or so, at least. It's also one of the top beer states in the country. What other reason could you want? Oh, we're also virtually natural-disaster-free, save for the very, very rare tornado.
  16. Yeah, I also didn't see where it specifies how long of a duration would be classified as "delayed". Like, can I take it home, stock my pond with them, and re-release them in a few years? If they're going to make a new law, make it as clear as possible with as little opportunity for interpretation as possible.
  17. Yeah, I'm all for immediate catch and release year round. It seems like the issue of that particular option being detrimental to spawning smallies is a bit of a fallacy. If they were worried about keeping fishing pressure down during the spawn that would mean not having a season until July. Especially in the northern part of the state, bass spawn through June. I feel like the only way to realistically limit damage to the fishery is catch and immediate release until the end of May, anyway. The wording of "year-round season" is misleading, as well. Who's fishing for bass in December-March most years? Nature gives us a closed bass season, I think that's enough.
  18. For some reason nothing makes me more angry, as quickly, as unexpected cold water.
  19. Last year there were still icebergs in northern Lake Michigan in July. I wasn't able to start fishing until late May. Where I am, at least, it is going to be warm much faster than it was last year.
  20. That snow was in Michigan yesterday. It was 1 degree this morning, so have fun with that tomorrow. I have hope that next week should average 50-60 for highs and maybe the lakes can regain the momentum they had a couple weeks ago.
  21. North east? Where about in the North east do you have open water? If you do, I'm not sure what you guys were complaining about as far as how bad the winter was. It was 15 today for a high and there's nary an open shore.
  22. Idiot's guide to baitcasting brake systems: when I say: centrifugal, I mean pin, when I say: spool tension, I mean centrifugal. First time I've actually ever watched a how-to on casting. So I guess what I meant in my original post was what's the importance of the pins, as opposed to mag brakes. Which was answered in the video.
  23. I usually get 30-40 yards on an easy cast. It's just sometimes I try to test my limits. The results aren't always pretty.
  24. Well, as a fairly large, strong, slow-witted guy, I should probably just get used to the occasional forgetful backlash. Good to not get my hopes up.
  25. So if I'm really trying to put some power behind it, I should turn them up? That could explain why I backlash occasionally on my other reels with only mag brakes. I forget my strength sometimes and have to really be cognizant of making a smooth motion, using the rod and not me to make the cast.
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