As we Northerners know, things have definitely been a little hit-and-miss. Was out last Thursday and Saturday. Caught a few Thursday, including a couple on a crankbait, which has been very elusive for me in my fledgling bass career. This guy and a 3lb, 10oz largemouth that I didn't get much of a picture of are the first two bass I've got on crankbaits that weren't sub-legal. I also just missed, probably, a 15-20 pound salmon on a tube from a lake that's not really supposed to have salmon, which was the most exciting three minutes I've had fishing in quite a while.
Then on Saturday, had a rough day. First five hours, not as much as a bite, except for a little pike my buddy got on a jerkbait. The last hour, I got 7 or 8 in the boat, all over 2 pounds, most over 3, including my "official" PB 4lbs 5oz.
The last bleedy one is the 4 pounder. Hey, it made me happy, that's all that counts.