I'm not from Dale Hollow, so forgive me if I call a location the wrong name.
I traveled up to the lake in mid April to pre fish and fish in a kayak bass tournament. To cut to the chase, I pre fished Goat, Little Goat, Graveyard Islands, the shorelines of Lillydale and Willow Grove, Boy Island, Illwill Creek and the Obey River. During this time, I found plenty of largemouth in the back, back of the coves on the shorelines that were in the last few days of pre spawn, prepping for spawn. I expect by the time I post this report they are hot on the beds now. These fish were difficult to catch, as bedding fish are, but I was able to catch a few decent fish by making long casts with soft plastics and finesse fishing. Robo worms, trick worms and trout worms in browns worked. My dreams were to target the famous smallmouth with the historic lures for those fish. I threw tubes, drop shots, every pattern of crawfish and jerk baits. I caught a couple of fish but not what I had hoped for. As the week developed, the talk at the docks and shops was all about white swim baits. We call those paddle tails in Florida. I'm a die-hard chatter bait fan, so I went on with my trusty white chatter bait with a 5" paddle tail trailer. This bait I threw mainly on the South sides of the islands where there was grass in 5 feet, to 15 feet of water. There is a pebble hump near Goat Island with a ring of grass that produced, and the points and coves behind Boy Island had the same pattern of grass. This is where i consistently caught bigger fish. All on the white chatter bait rolled as slowly as possible directly through the grass. A slight hang up and consequent jerk would result in a strike very often.
I ended up out of the money in the event, but did catch big bass and won a chunk of bonus money.
I know i don't post very often, but as a traveling tournament angler I greatly appreciate this site/forum as an aide in my pre fishing. Hopefully this report will help someone fishing Dale Hollow.