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Everything posted by carpflyguy

  1. How long do these last, if you have any idea?
  2. Right now I am looking at batteries... The main thing I've found is the MCA.What is a good number for that that will last for at least 5 hours? Thanks
  3. I had a look there first, but all I could find was 30 lbs. for $75. I figured I'd just spend $10 more and get a new one, without the hastle.
  4. Great, I'll make sure to spend the extra money to get a good battery. Is there one you'd recommend for this motor? And I'm interested in how to make the 2x4 clamp brace, but I don't really get the full idea. Do you have a picture by any chance?
  5. Thanks! I'll make sure I get a real battery now, not some box. I'll look on walmart. I know the motor isn't great, but I'm just looking for something to use a few times a year on small boats, so I think it should work for what I'm doing. Do you think that motor would be able to attach to the rowboat?
  6. So I think I'm gonna pick up a trolling motor, just this one on sale from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Minn-Kota-Freshwater-Transom-Trolling/dp/B004360NKY/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1423092234&sr=1-1&keywords=trolling+motor But I know nothing about trolling motors, so I need your help! I have a canoe, so I assume I would need a special mount? And I also have a small rowboat (pictured below), that has a section I think a motor could be attached to. Do you guys think I would need a mount for this? I looked over thrust-to-boat-size charts, and this motor seemed fine. I'm not really sure what else I would need besides the motor, a battery I'm thinking this one - http://www.amazon.com/MinnKota-Trolling-Motor-Power-Center/dp/B001PTHKMG/ref=pd_bxgy_sg_img_y), and maybe a mount. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance, this seems like a great website with some knowledgeable people. EDIT: I saw in a review that this motor requires a "breaker". Can anyone fill me in on what this is?
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