Hey everyone. I have a lowrance fish hunter castable sonar and that I can not find the charging cable for. I have looked online and it seems to be discontinued. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding a cable? The part #D3DCCR doesn't bring up anything online. Any help would be grateful.
I hit a local river Sunday afternoon. Made a stop at a bait shop and bought some baits made locally to try out and they worked pretty good. I ended up with 3 smallies and a carp. Not a bad day.
I don't target smallmouth bass i just prefer to fish rivers where they are. My local lakes that have smallmouth are over fished and highly pressured. I choose to fish rivers that I don't see many people fish but I know they are.
This year hasn't been that good of a year fishing wise for me. Some friends of mine have said the same. Fishing has been tough in my area. Not just rivers but lakes also. All the close places are heavily pressured so I will take what I can get sometimes. We had a big rain here 2 weeks ago and slightly flooded the rivers. They needed it to wash away the green slime built up in the slack pools where I have had some luck. Well the water is back down and I had an hour and a half to fish this past Sunday morning and it was the best trip I have had this year. I had a furious 40 minutes where I caught 9 smallies from 10-18 inches. What a day.
I have been using a #1 vmc neko hook for this and super gluing the nail weights in also. I tried a 1/0 egg thin wire hook and it was a pita to get re rigged properly so I went with the vmc neko hooks and haven't had any issues since.
Like the title says anyone have the break while using them? I had 3 break on me yesterday. The only thing I can think of is I didn't super glue them to the worm so they broke off on me.
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