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About chadmack282

  • Birthday 07/19/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    crittenden KY
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
  • Other Interests

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  • About Me
    43 yr old male

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. just call call them, they can help u get exactly what u need for the types of lakes u fish. that way u will end up with jigs that u use instead of having a 100 jigs & only use 5% - 10% of them. my $00.02☺
  2. r u getting the uni2uni not sinched down nice & tight & clean were u can see all the wraps? how many times r u wrapping fluoro around braid? how many times are u wrapping braid around fluoro?
  3. thermocline, greener grass in shallows, oxygen
  4. what kind of skirt hub(not sure what to call it) is that & where to get them?
  5. what jig is that Cat?
  6. a flat rock or a round rock??
  7. throw a few twitches in on a slow, medium or fast consistent retrieve to make the skirt flare or pulsate.
  8. i bought some a while back & in my experience most berly baits dont have a lot of salt they fish bite & will not let go formula(whatever that is) so i plan to use them on a shakey head bcz the tail should float pretty good. my $00.2
  9. call them i know its old school but it works.
  10. what depth is the thermacline at? that would help my decision alot on what to use. & where to use it especially!!
  11. how deep r u fishing? r u fishing shallow on or close to bottom? or r u fish suspenders, say 12fow where fish r suspending around 6'?
  12. the marina has probably screwed him out of $1000's & kept him waiting way to many times so a fruit basket isnt much in my opion. Hell i will trade any1 $20 for $1000.
  13. saturday or saturday & sunday
  14. original repala- 1st silver black back 2nd gold black back
  15. WINNER!!!
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