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  1. Thanks for replying, what rod would you recommend?
  2. Im fairly new to bass fishing and i need some guidance on buying a rod. Can someone give me advice on what rod and reel to start using as an all around set up, (something i can throw any lure on), atleast for right now while im learning. I know every rod has a special purpose but i just want something that'll help me get by for now. I live in Texas and usually fish on ponds or rivers. Thanks!
  3. Also in what color would y'all bring your bait.
  4. If y'all were going on a fishing trip, and could only bring just ONE lure/bait, what would y'all bring?
  5. Would you guys recommend this to be a good substitute for a squarebill?
  6. I've going camping in a couple weeks and I wanna fish at the lake that's there. I have no idea of water color of the lake and I can't find any info on it. My question is, WHAT COLORS SHOULD I TAKE. PLEASE HELP ME OUT. THANKS
  7. I'm going bass fishing this sunday with one of my friends. Can someone name some tackel I should definitely buy? What hooks and sizes, baits, weights? Anything like that to get me started. Thanks!
  8. Im targeting bass and I'll probably be doing mostly bank fishing. What size hooks is best for bass? I don't wanna go out there unprepared! Thanks!
  9. I want know some tackle box essentials, whether it be baits to tools to anything else a fishermen should keep in a tackle box. Thank you!
  10. Hi, I'm pretty new to fishing, and I'm having trouble knowing what terminal tackle to get to start fishing. Can please someone help me by explaining what baits are best, what they're used for, pretty much tackle box essentials. It would help me a lot! Thank you.
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