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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth

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  1. I seem to agree as well, I think the "every fish counts" idea is good but maybe raising the standard of what a scoreable bass is will change things up a bit. So yes its not a 5 bass limit but it must be 14" to score would change it a lot i feel
  2. hey buzzed bait i have not tried or fished the SK ones but from the weight perspective the 1/2oz label is the size of the head. So the head is 1/2 oz but yes with the head, hook, swivel, and blade included in the overall weight that probably where you are getting to the 20g
  3. Ive been very happy with them, but as mentioned they get to about 10-12' not 15' but knowing that its still a really good crank and has its place for sure. With that said I only have used the red craw color Think its worth giving a shot! Brian
  4. As many mentioned, shaky head, crank bait like wiggle warts rock crawler etc, a jig too when fishing docks also and obviously in cold water the A rig as well
  5. What I can tell you from a design perspective, yes they seem similar but different applications really. Yea sure you can flip both of them but what makes a Beaver good is that it is a good glide bait (minimal action) but gets bit. The structure bug has much more action making it good for applications that the beaver can't fulfill and vice versa Brian
  6. We've used orings and heat shrink pretty well, I also like the eco pro weight wacky harnesses too! There are some good options to help with the wacky durability Hope thats helps a bit for ya Brian
  7. I don't add before into the bags but I sure do love my megastrike! Maybe I will try it in the bags before hand as others have mentioned. To help with other questions Ive seen, Dont add coffee grounds it may alter the color. As others have said too do NOT use water based scents.. letting them sit in that will absolutely ruin your baits. It will only take about 24hrs hope this helps a bit! Brian
  8. Like many have chimed in on, definitely the texas rig. It will help you gain that confidence and then you can venture out from there! As far as bait suggestions.... I might be a little bias In terms of styles, try a weightless stick bait or some good craw imitator for a 1/8-1/4oz weight pegged to it!
  9. Rapala DT 6 hands down
  10. Never thought of this but thats a good idea! Keep the ones you use most often stocked and loaded in a box but less frequent in the bags Good idea!
  11. I use tungsten for all weights that are added to the baits ( texas rigs, etc ) but for jigs, shaky heads etc still stick with lead due to the options! Brian
  12. The argument can be made both ways just like scent... I believe anything that can help you catch more fish is great! Brian
  13. Typically use Black and Blue... but maybe just by popularity.. no rhyme or reason LOL. Now, I love Black and Blue Laminate!! Try both when one is working and try to see which you have more confidence in Brian
  14. Another vote for megastrike
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