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Sam Moore

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Everything posted by Sam Moore

  1. Thanks for the feedback! What should be the first step in getting it looked at!?
  2. The haul looks like its in decent shape, but i guess ill find out when i take off the old one! Is it safe to say i should be getting more speed then i am with a 16 foot boat and a 115 hp right?
  3. Sounds good, I have a jack plate im going to be putting it on soon here in the winter months then first thing in the spring it will be trying to find out the rpm's and what its actually running at! thanks for all the help! Any advise on taking off a 115hp tank of a mariner?
  4. Perfect, this is the help i was looking for. All the cylinders are firing so i know thats not the issue. Im planning on cleaning out the carbs this spring but i know even that wont chance top end that much, maybe a mph or two. The hydrofoil is great for the hole shot but like i said, even with it off I couldn't get it to run nearly as fast. Just looked at the prop and it said "Quicksilver 48 7250g 45 21p" i assume the 21p means its a 21 pitch but what does the rest mean?
  5. As far as the research that i have done has concluded, the 83 mariner was one of the last years they did not have an rpm chart for pitch and performance numbers. It is a tri-haul but when on plain it cant be that much more worse then a normal v haul. i did take the Hydrofoil off a for a few runs just too see if that was the resone my top end was off and the boat not only struggled to get on plane quickly, the top end speed was noticeably slower. So i came to the conclusion that the hydrofoil was in fact helping dramatically. not being able to trim to increase performance is the biggest thing im thinking that the motor needs to be raised up. The prop has some nicks and little (edgecurls) on it that where done before i owned the boat but would that really make a difference in speed?
  6. Looking for some help. I have an 83 Forester Pro Bass 162 with a 1985 Mariner 115hp (Tower of power inline 6cly). The RPM meter when it does work flirts around 3800 rpm at full throttle. Th boat is only 16.2 feet long and even with just myself in the boat, I can only get it up to 39mph on a calm day. The prop has a few nicks in it but is in decent shape no major chips taken out or anything. My question is this. I feel like i should be getting more speed out of this boat. It does have a hydrofoil on it white helps my hole shots. I tried taking it off and couldn't even get the boat to go over 33mph. When full throttle in most boats, you can trim up the motor and find the sweet spot where it rides smoother and a little faster. With this boat, trim al the way down at hole shot, once on plane the trim doesn't help in fact actually seems to almost hurt the boats speed when trimming up. Im currently looking at a jack plate to try and get less drag out on take off and hopefully after fine tuning, a better top end speed. Does anyone have a similar set up (boat wise) as i do and if so what your numbers looking like for speed and RPM? Any and all help is appreciated! -Sam
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