Where do you usually fish during the middle of the day for bass? During really sunny/hot days, in a large, shallow, somewhat murky lake with lots of weeds (some sections it grows past the surface) how do you get the bass to bite? I usually get few if any bass until a few hours before sunset, but it gets depressing sitting in the hot sun during the middle of the day waiting for the evening bite...
I think you are supposed fish deep, but where do you look? i dont have a depth finder, can you just look for typical shallow bass spots, and move a bit farther out? and what baits are best?
if you are fishing heavy cover and you dont get a bite afer a few casts, should i move on or keep working it if you know that you have pulled bass from that spot before? (in the evening)
I think its just this lake where i have this problem, i'm not sure why, its pretty popular so im guessing its presssed and the fish recognizes baits too easily during the day? actually it seems to have the same problem during overcast days as well so i dont know...